How to protect your data against Identity Theft?

Back in the eighties the Bees Gees crooned “Stayin’ Alive”. In today’s idiom this would be best said as “Stayin’Online”! Apart from this dull and tiresome reference being online and creating a protected online presence are two most significant things for personal and professional amplifications. It is not easy to conceive the hypothetical possibility of your online individual personal identity slipped or stolen. Like with personal life, your professional life could also receive a major jolt a void never to be filled again.

Apart from harass and hassle of acquiring your distinct personal identity back into free from danger — expect and imagine existing in possibility fall out of so much personal and sensitive selective information received and understood. But how does one do this? What is proper online conduct? But remember like in the real world you are as good as your reputation. The world has gone online- from getting in touch with friends to financial transactions, dealings and proceedings.

So much of “you” is online; you have to be definite specified and identified you are protectable. Treat it like a new college you’ve just taken admission into. You walk around and familiarize yourself with your surroundings and the campus. Today, Internet connections are not restricted to merely the dial-up kind and users are fast moving on to broadband, although its penetration is still limited. Nonetheless, the good part is that people are now more connected than ever before. Awareness, for one, has increased a great deal and people are constantly in touch with the latest happenings around the planet. Introducing LifeLock, today’s leader in the world of identity theft protection .

LifeLock provides its customers with top of the line identity theft protection through a suite of services backed by state-of-the-art technology. In addition, LifeLock provides protection on all aspects of identity theft and threats. Review of website : LifeLock on Twitter This website loads at rapid tempo, personally I load it on my best-loved web browser Firefox and it opens within seconds. Admit it , its layout and blue print conception of this website is beyond imagination. There are several elements of that is making it more professional.

It has very nice content management system. loads and opens with ease in all popular web-browsers. Web designing is a profession all by itself , so are JavaScript coding and PHP coding. On the right side in a position lower than title you can have “ Secure Login” and “Search Bar”. It is situated in a particular position that indicates being complete of its kind arrangement.

Just at a lower place there is the “Menu Bar” divides into five segments. Each “segments” then is divided into various “sub-segments”. The names of these “Menu Segments” are that of: * Protection for Individuals * $1 million total service guarantee * Understanding how LIFELOCK works * Understanding Identity Theft * Plans and Pricing All these segments are self explanatory informative instructive. From the first tab of “Menu” you can have detailed contingent information of LifeLock services, essentials and testimonials.

In the second tab of “Menu” bar you will get information with regard to $1 million total service guarantee. In the third tab from left of “Menu” bar you have the necessary information involving “5 points of protection of LifeLock “ , what to anticipate from LifeLock and FAQs. In the fourth tab from left of “Menu” bar you will find information regarding cognitive understanding of identity theft, then some recent articles in this regard from third party websites and then national and state data following after recent news. In the fifth tab from left of “Menu” bar you can find essential information involving “Plans and Pricing” of LifeLock products.

On the left side bar you have “Did you know” and from here you can find some relevant facts about identity threats like “4.9% of U.S. adults fell victim to identity theft in 2011.” like so. On the extreme at the lower place just at the downstairs of website you will notice eight horizontal tabs namely: * About * Contact * Business Solutions * Privacy Policy * Terms & Conditions * Affiliates * Careers * Site Map All these points are self explanatory and with “About”. “Privacy Policy” and “Site Map” this does impact relative prominence on the fact that is search engine friendly due to fast loadings and full of relevant and significant information plus with “Site Map” compositions making it more and more search engine optimized.

Learn how these steps are no longer restricted to viruses and malwares any more. By the time you are done browsing with this website you will be aware of the ins and outs of computer and mobile identity protection . So what are you waiting for? Turn to and kick start your induction into the world of identity protection . Who LifeLock is and what they do: Who LifeLock is: LifeLock on Twitter The principal mission of LifeLock is continuous protection of your online identity. LifeLock is more than just a credit monitoring service. It helps protection of your personal information using a compounding of data protection techniques , observation and outstanding member service, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. *

Preceding all others in time and place in the industry to offer proactive interference of identity theft protection * Level 1 nonresistant tractable under the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard * Member of TRUSTe * Inexhaustible protection direct access to fraud settlement teams within wide network of lenders and service suppliers * Skilful technical thought leadership with through out the world compelling recognized experts in privacy and security protected applied technologies, intentional deception , and condemnable criminal computational methods * Cooperative relationship with FBI Law Enforcement Executive Development Association (FBI-LEEDA), National Organization for Victim Assistance (NOVA) What they do: Once registration is successfully completed, your personal identity is protected from danger and injury or loss. Inside 48 hours you will experience a welcome email explicating all your LifeLock membership gains.

You will also be engineered to your assure protectable online member grand and imposing entrance to discharge your membership profile and supply significant protection information. Inside 4 to 6 weeks, your “Welcome Kit” and “membership cards” will reach at your home. LifeLock is devoted to protect your personal sensitive information, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. Remember in the wrong hands your sensitive data can be used against you.

Have you ever though about what other data you inadvertently share with someone when you exchange documents? But in the wrong hands it can compromise your security and you might end up revealing more to someone that intended. LifeLock protects the situation with proactive identity theft protection by employing ahead of time ground-breaking forward looking technologies that powers not only for LifeLock but also world’s most sophisticated refined advanced complicated and intricate protective solution.

It is standardized with technology used by government intelligence agencies and blue-chip high price and low yield corporations. It is more than just a credit monitoring service , LifeLock dives deep to discover the elaborate and the systemic plans the hackers are employing by meeting the newer standards day in and day out . It determines from old- school collection techniques to more advanced technologies associated with reverse reengineering methods.

LifeLock works at every point with unflagging resolve to protect everlasting and continuous threats and risks, work to help educate law enforcement to combat this growing trend. It also has LifeLock Command Center™ service, an extra Identity Theft Protection plan and pricing. Being a hacker can also be a bad thing. A hack can sometimes be someone that has no grace or elegance in its work and throws its project haphazardly. Every programmer dreams of being a hacker. Hackers are programming code jockeys that can throw together bits of miraculous pieces of programming seemingly at will. Once hackers have your relevant sensitive information it is having few parts to open ‘new accounts intended to deceive people and make gigantic on lineof financial transactions on your name and from your bank account.

Your PC has a lot more important data than you think. Most often they look for your financial account details to rip you off you money. Some of them might just want to snoop around your inbox. Other might want to take control of your laptop. We live in a world where our laptop and smartphones act as our consorts and hence the responsibility of their protection falls squarely on our shoulder. In the ever changing world of global data communications, inexpensive internet connections and fast-paced software development protection of data is fast becoming more and more of an issue. In a world of unexampled cyber attacks, LifeLock Ultimate™ prtoects you from a vast array of threats to your credit, bank accounts, and identity by protecting online threats and aiding you against them.

For people seeking for the utmost extreme peace of mind from the leader in identity theft protection, you need look no further than LifeLock Ultimate™-the superlative identity threat p[rotection around. LifeLock Ultimate™ protection admits all performances furnished by LifeLock® identity theft protection, plus: * Elaborated protection of personal sensitive information entropy throughout a intensive broad interconnected network of databases. * Heightened , online reportage of threats * Advanced examining and savings account application alerts * Continual non stop access to your annual Tri-Bureau credit reports and monthly TransUnion score * Close protection of unstructured planetary networks and file-sharing sites *

Public record protection * Payday loan potection * Every day protection of all 3 credit bureau written document describing the findings of some individual or group * Alarms when contact information alters on existing credit card, examine so as to determine accuracy, of savings accounts * Counseling to correct the mistakes of inadvertent revelation of personal sensitive information on file-sharing sites LifeLock Credit Score Manager ™ presents significant protection for supervising your credit report and bringing off your credit score: *

Every day protecting without missing a day of all three credit bureau written document describing the findings of some individual or group. * Email warning alerts as and when significant authorities alternations are observed * Monthly TransUnion credit score tracking * Yearly tri-bureau credit reports and accounts scores * Online protection to your credit management directional selective data entropy. * Throughout year protection help and support centre. How LifeLock Works 5 Points of Protection: LifeLock on Twitter LifeLock on Twitter 1. Protecting Your Identity: Once you join enrollment for LifeLock® identity theft protection, LifeLock straightaway take the first step in carrying out protecting for threats against your identity inside its network. It brings home the bacon with timeless access to your alerts dashboard through the dependable LifeLock Member Portal.

2. Scanning for Identity Threats: Not only it protects your personal sensitive information inside its everlasting connected network for latest credit and non-credit applications programs and address alternation , but also it explore for protection acknowledged reprehensible websites for illegal merchandising of your personal sensitive information. 3. Responding to Identity Theft: It brush up every endeavor to your distinct personality of an individual regarded as a persisting entity, and proactively protecting close interaction with you , whenever it discover observe a vulnerability or menace . LifeLock alert you by e-mail, phone or text message if it notice that your personal sensitive information entropy may have been compromised — having in mind you will hear from LifeLock only when absolutely essential requirement .

4. Guarantee to Identity Theft: LifeLock will give protection to you; close interaction with your financial establishments and accomplished the requisite work that involves handling of papers: forms or letters or reports etc. you require as useful to bring your life back in order. 5. Tracking Your Credit Score: LifeLock Credit Score Manager™ protecting you make easier your credit score. What is Identity Theft? Your sensitive data is all over the place. You may carry out effective effectual attention to protect your personal information. At you will discover all everything bundle of identity theft protectionincluding articles, news updates and detailed descriptions on how identity hackers assault. The old adage goes “Better safe than sorry” of course.

What used to be money, gold and such is now data, and data cannot be protected using six-lever padlock. Having your identity slipped isn’t just dear in time and currency; it can also contribute to fictitious immurement, life-threatening delusive health check records, and lots more. In the hands of a criminal, just your name, address, Social Security number and date of birth, can be employed over and over again to: How hack-friendly is your password? * open new lines of credit approval * attempt health check care * debilitate deliverances and retirement accounts * render a name that has been assumed temporarily when taken into custody * come into the possession of a job and bear delusive tax returns Alarming statistics for online identity theft: * Households earning $100k + per year have the highest identity fraud rate at 7.4% * The average cost per person of having identities stolen is $1,513 * 11.6 million Adults were victims of identity fraud in 2011 and a total of $18 billion was lost.

Alarming stats for social media/ smartphone users that have experience identity fraud: * 6.6% of victims are smartphone owners * 6.8% of victims are social media users who click on the applications * 8.2% of victims are social media users who have “checked in” using their smartphone GPS * 10.1% of victims are LinkedIn users Do you know how fast a professional hacker can breach your password security? * If you have 6 characters in your password with no symbol, it only takes a professional .000224 seconds * If you have 10 characters and one symbol in your password, it takes up to 20 days for a professional to break in. * What would this mean to your online banking, personal information and overall privacy? Conclusion:

Here are some appalling horrifying stats of identity threat. How fast can hacker crack your password? It is noob verses pro . Noob employs online web-based application that conducts one thousand guesses. Pro uses offline supercomputer that conducts one hundred trillion guesses to steal your online identity. It is all about seconds, numbers and characters. These are all frightening because of an awareness of danger. Are you feeling protected against identity theft? Please comment, in this post ,about your alarming atrocious frightful accumulation of knowledge from online activities , employ LifeLock which is absolute essential to protect identity threat.

Originally published at on April 5, 2020.


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