The Circle (2017) Movie Review

We live in a world where many external and internal elements are affected and over time we experience some bright changes due to the advent of new and clever technologies. Man is a social animal and loves to live the society as a form of uniformity and that is why he attracts different experiences and which directly or indirectly affects his life.

Here, some part of our lives is, actively, influenced by social-media tools like Face-Book, Twitter, etc. In the technology of this era, where we have high speed internet and it becomes easier and faster to upload and download data. People want to share everything they experience in their everyday lives and then upload these figures on social media, so that their circles can see it or like it or give some feedback to it.

Even people can tag these photos and share them in another circle, and find out what their responses are and in this way we find that certain types of data are being transmitted far and wide and responses are being made available by many. It becomes some kind of pleasure for some and for some it can be really disgusting because they don’t want these to be allocated to share too many broad circles and it can attract embarrassment for some.

We’ve provided modern social media networking such as Facebook and Twitter with strong provision provision and many data sharing to control users, but unfortunately people are using social media networks that never have anything to do with the knowledge to enable such settings and ultimately provide difficulties for them.

What is difficult for some people is the presence of such strict safety measures, which can be found when digging deep into these settings and most of them have no idea and technical expertise to deal with it.

Then, suddenly they are surprised by the presence of sharing and tagging these photos and the more you tap these photos, the more it is circulated within different circles and visibility and it can attract positivity and its negativity.

On the other hand, individuals who were aware of such features tend to disable the tagging and geographic-tagging of images so that their picture can be shared with them in an exact circle. Now, here is the concept of digital difference where we see that the same technology is being used by people, but their knowledge gap presence has made it difficult to experiment on a full scale and the way the user intends to use it.

That is why when using such and such technology it is imminent to understand such pros and cons because most of these technologies provide users with a free hand so that they can modify their personal settings according to their whims and desires and what makes these apps useful in one hand and this huge array of powerful intentions together on the other. provides where users should always learn about it and these processes seem easy to understand.

It is necessary to know about these because you do not know that with the data you have shared you cannot see by anyone, but ultimately it has been seen by them because of the convenience of such tagging and geo-tagging and gradually moved underwater for the movement of ideas and deliberate purposes and that is why the use of these services is extremely careful. And it’s important to do with proper attention. Otherwise you may find yourself in a difficult situation, because your friends and relatives may find you in a difficult situation and your relationship with them may be found in a completely threatened situation.

There was a great film, ‘The Circle’ where the main character is working in such a huge social media giant and go to remove everything that is known as privacy and ultimately, he finds himself in a difficult situation because of the live sharing of each and every moment of his life.

She shares all the things of her life and her parents and her best friend and in the end she gets everything that comes in front of her and provides some difficult part and information that can give her so many difficulties for her close and dear ones so much that eventually it makes them feel bad and is slowly turning away.

She shared her friend and some good works of course without her friend’s knowledge and finally they found out that one day her friends come close to meeting their place of work and in the mood of crisis. He said that his work was revived because of his stake and by some infringement of animal rights but in reality he does not intend to do so and then he is receiving some death threats in his email but in fact he does not do that work.

He told them that his social profile was having an adverse reaction because of such a part of him, but not for his fault, and that way his best friend is turning him back too, he is also well educated and capit.


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