Understanding The WordPress Template Hierarchy

WordPress consists of php files and MY SQL database. Both has to work simultaneously in order to work in a seamless perfection. If any part of database or php files are corrupted then entire website goes broken and site becomes unavailable. So on one side PHP side where it depends upon the well-calculated hierarchy infrastructure.

After WordPress installation the core file structure stays in two different zones. One is database which stays with PHP My Admin and the entire template hierarchy stays with php zones of WordPress. All of these template hierarchy which are sort of php, txt and xml files stays within File Manager of WordPress.

In order to access these files one need to enter into cpanel of back end of WordPress installation. These cpanel passwords are provided to web administrator by hosting providers. Then from Files segment go through its sub segment File Manager. If you have paper_lantern theme enabled in yours cPanel then the file segment should be at the top of it.

Click on File Manager and it will open in another tab and here you should go to home segment where entire wordpress installation files should be there. Here you will see wp-admin, wp-content, wp-includes folders and apart from all of these folder structure you will find ads.txt, .htaccess, wp-activate, wp-blog-header. wp-config and other files.

In the wp-content folder you will have plugin folder, themes. At the front end when you install a theme and that folder should be here at the back end. Similarly, when you install plugins then at the plugins folder inside wp_content. If you have any back up plugins such as Wpvivid or updraft installed at the front end of WordPress then all the back ups should be there at these name sake folders.

In the wp-admin folder, you will find themes, tools, update, users, widgets and so many such important files should be here and in the case of one file is missing then entire site can be corrupted and should not open in web browser. Here, you will find wordpress options, navigation menus, permalink, privacy, posts, set up, theme editor, theme install, tools, update, update cores and so many other functions.

Apart from all of this in wp-admin folder some other sub-folders such as css, imagesm includes, js, maint, network and user sub folder will be there.

Now we will discuss in detail about wp-includes folder inside root directory. Here you will find many folders such as assets, block-patterns, blocks, certificates, css, customise, fonts, ID3, images, IXR, js, PHPMailer, pomo, random_compact, Requests, rest-api, SimplePie, sitemaps, sodium_compact, Text, theme-compact,widgets. Apart from all of this you will find many php files which are mostly related with admin bar, author template, block patterns, bookmarks, bookmarks, canonical, capabilities, category and so many other php files.


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