Tips for a faster and safer Windows 10

There are a lot of new things to explore inside Windows 10 Many analysts have been very much critical of functioning on Windows 10 . In reality, it is a gold mine the more you involve the richer you get in the long run. There are plenty of things to explore inside Windows 10. The original embedded search is dynamic and it suggests three layers of search information.Windows store:

The all new applications at the Windows Store give you proper opportunities to acquaint with some of new and innovative applications which android and apple users are already familiar with. Windows 10 is already connected with cloud and this when you are with internet connectivity then you will find the multimedia contents that are stored inside cloud suddenly appears as one more folder inside all multimedia information.

The all new charms menu provides opportunities for users to have a second level operating system which works in full graphical user capacity and gives users an isolated environment to deal with. With prolonged use of Windows 10sometimes, it feels slow down of the operating system and here is little relevant tricks which users can attend in order to get back into a faster operating system. There are reset options which present you with a completely newer operating system.Recovery:

There is RECOVERY option with an operating system which refreshes PC without affecting your files or it can reset it and start from the first day you use the operating system. It can be accessed through PC settings and if you are experiencing persistent problems then you can refresh it. It works on three advance recovery tools namely CREATE A RECOVERY DRIVE, OPEN SYSTEM RESTORE and CONFIGURE SYSTEM RESTORE. CREATE RECOVERY DRIVE creates a recovery drive which restarts personal computer even if in normal circumstances it not is able to boot.

Or else user can reach out to OPEN SYSTEM RESTORE to undo system changes but the additional convenience of it that it leaves documents, pictures and music completely unchanged. Concluding part of RECOVERY is to CONFIGURE SYSTEM RESTORE which changes restore settings, manages disc space and create or delete restore points.


FILE HISTORY is a brilliant way to recover lost files or deleted files which have been done unwillingly by users. It saves different time line copies of files and let the user to recover these files when there is need for recovery of such files. It automatically backs up files in libraries, contracts and favorites and when the original files are lost or corrupted at present with different versions of files to users. With due course of time, you have now a complete history of an entire file.

It is there with Windows 10, but you need to set up it for complete convenience of using this feature. You will just have to set up a drive to FILE HISTORY in order to get back complete protection. Before you see this feature in the first step is to connect the drive to save files. T is always a good idea to set up an external drive or network enables buffer drive to gain maximum utilities in case severe outrage of intrusive computer happens.

It is always wise to remember that FILE HISTORY always backs up from the library. Favorites and from files that are on the desktop. It is always a good idea to add such multimedia contents in respective categories of library first and then all these information would be back up inside third party drive which can be connected with the help of USB ports. If you want to include a local drive that is there with the computer then make sure the drive is not listed in a library.

Then, slowly that drive would be place of FILE HISTORY of all data files. It is always a good idea to back up to an external drive as this will make a completely secure back up. If you do not want to save copies of specific folders or libraries, then you can do this through sub-settings of FILE HISTORY known as EXCLUDE FROM FILE HISTORY.


In advance settings of FILE HISTORY you can find how often copies of save files can be done as it is also necessary in order to manage virtual memory so that all these systems would perform with good intention and while you are on systems that will not perform erratically. Default timing of saving copies of files is every hour by default and you can change it to daily or to different hour’s time. Then you can specify the size of offline caches which are five percentages of disc space use by default.

The maximum value is 20% of disc space. You can save keeping saving versions forever which are default and you can change it to different times. It is versatile application and it is inbuilt from Microsoft and it works seamlessly and users do not find it any difficulty as the graphical user interface is so easier and so meaningful that users do not find any such obstructions in it.

Disc Cleanup:

With Windows 10, Microsoft has closed the door for most of the third party cleaner utilities that have been in prominence during Windows XP. Most of these cleaners sometimes clean most of system files which on the other hand the user has to be paid with corrupted operating systems. Reach to COMPUTER which is similar to MY COMPUTER of previous version of Windows. Left click on the drive and select PROPERTIES and then from GENERAL select DISC CLEANUP.


It will scan for system error memory dump files and will present you with to cleanup disc space on that specific drive. There are some default options which have been selected automatically and in addition to it you can select some other part such as temporary synchronization files of Windows Media Player, which can be used to synchronize all aspects of media files to diverse mobile applications.


From CHARMS MENU go to PC SETTINGS, then SEARCH than to SEARCH HISTORY IN WINDOWS and click DELETE HISTORY. It will delete offline temporary files and speed up systems to a considerable extent. Refer screen shot to understand the entire process and how to reach there.

App Switching:

From the same menu go downwards and reach to GENERAL and then APP SWITCHING and click on DELETE HISTORY and you are done. It will delete offline information related to application switching and speeds up system to a considerable extent.Application Sizes:

From GENERAL reach to AVAILABLE STORAGE and then reach to VIEW APP SIZES and click on it to see the list of heavier applications that are inside the system drive and here you can select an application and uninstall immediately. The size of all these applications is shown side by side and this creates a huge understanding of how much space an application is eating into the system drive.


Select the specific application to remove and it will be uninstalled immediately. Unlike the earlier version of Windows where one has to reach to ADD OR REMOVE PROGRAM to uninstall each application here most of application can be uninstalled form CHARMS MENU. It speeds up system resources and also uninstall time.

With all these smarter moves you can now have a smart computer with proper safeguard implementation as well as a super fast computer that can speed up your computer habits to more supersonic speeds. These are some rare tips which reader can implement to speed up Windows 10..


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