The Thirteenth Floor Movie Review

While watching the movie ???? “The Thirteenth Floor” released in the year 1999 the movie brought forward some interesting???? concept of digital ???? time machine???? which provides some of ????weirdest concept of ? overtaking of mind ???? of others and ? move intvo another world.

Can we Change the future?

Can ours life and the ????present time ???? is the ????past incidents ? of ???? future events. Can people from future reach here ???? in order to find out ???? what ? changes comes upon now. Is it possible???? that some of ? people who ???? are living with ????us can there be the possibility that they are electronically programmed so that their replica of ? ????past is present.

We cannot?????? justify how ? the movement of ? time is working???? ????out. We are living in the world???? of ? three dimensions. ?????Where we ??????cannot think???? of ???????? what ? will be the fourth dimension that is all about. If at all we move into the world???? measurable in terms of dimension we still ??????cannot find the relevance of ? present???? ????past and ? the future????.

When some ????mad scientists???????? if at all they modify the provisions of ? time ???? ????machine and then through???????????? digital electric???????????? conditioning transfer from ?onperson ?to that ? other at last c an move to different ???? zones to ? reach to ? another life and ? escape from ? situation to that of ? others.

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The ?above mentioned ????movie depicts similar picturesque of ? thought process whete conditioning of ? one ? mind overcome ?of the other and ? then changing time zones from future???? ? the past ???? and create the most ?confusion within ????mind so that ®????????????real entities cannot ?????? ever be recognized. This movie ???? showcases the most importance destruction of ? ????science which if not ? controlled properly can ????go ??towards absolutely ?wrong.

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What we learn from this movie???? is thhat ?????when we know about forth dimension which should be ????time as and ?????when we know about it we should be conscious of ? these intimidation of ? facts and ? depersonalization of ? everything. After we ????????????solve this mystery ?of dimension then we can alter time and ? move from ?one time ???? zone to ? other with equal ease and ? that can bring about changes as well as confusion ? where ????? possibility of ? collision course of ? one ? time ???? zone with others and may be confusion over past, present???? will continue to ? create more ? and more problems????.

This movie???? portrait ? what will Or can be future???? ?????when we deal with time zones and ? swapping of ? brains from ?one ?to the other. This movie???? shows the futuristic event of ? moving from ?one ????mind ?to the other and ? simultaneously moving from one ? ????time zone to ? the other. This ????movie shows ? how to ? be immortal by changing from future???? ?to the past????.


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