How to install a WordPress plugin?

WordPress is a software. It is open source. This means it is for everyone. It works with minimal setup. It is constantly updated. It is backed by large and dedicated communities.
In my one post namely, how to install WordPress using site software? I described how to easily install a WordPress website. In another post namely, create a Landing Page Without Code Or Plugins I described how to create a landing page of WordPress website. What is WordPress Plugin?

  • Plugins are extended WordPress functionalities.
  • These function does exist in WordPress.
  • Plugins are the easy way to activate these WordPress functions.
  • Better programmers can easily do this with PHP code programming too.
  • Plugins are mostly lightweight.
  • It is created by third-party developers.
  • It is important to download plugins from WordPress administration.
  • Log in to WordPress Admin and then go to SETTINGS and then go to PLUGINS and then ADD NEW.
  • Do not download plugins from other sources.

How to install a WordPress plugin through WordPress Admin?

  1. Log in to WordPress Admin.
  2. Put Username or email address and password.
  3. Click LOG INGo to PLUGINS
  4. Then ADD NEW
  5. Then search for plugin name in the search box namely SEARCH PLUGINS
  6. Then it will show the results.
  7. Choose the plugin to install
  8. Click on INSTALL NOW
  9. Then Click on ACTIVATE to activate the plugin.
  10. How to uninstall a WordPress plugin through WordPress Admin?
  11. Log in to WordPress Admin
  13. Put PASSWORD
  14. Go to PLUGINS and the INSTALLED PLUGINS from the sidebar.
  15. Choose which plugin to deactivate by clicking on the checkbox and then click DEACTIVATE
  16. there. Then carry on the similar procedure to DELETE that DEACTIVATE plugin.

How to install a WordPress plugin through cPanel?

  1. Installing WordPress plugin through cPanel is another option.
  2. Go to WordPress Plugin Repository
  3. Search Plugin
  4. Click on it
  5. Download it from blue button Download to computer.
  6. Log in to cPanel
  7. Put User Name and Password
  8. Go to FILES and then FILE MANAGER
  9. Go to wp-content
  10. Go to plugins
  11. Click on it
  12. Then click on UPLOAD
  13. Another Windows will open.
  14. Then click on blue colour SELECT FILE
  15. Choose the local downloaded plugin earlier from computer
  16. Then click upload to upload it to the theme.
  17. Then log out from cPanel
  18. Go to WordPress Admin
  19. From its left sidebar choose PLUGINS
  21. Search for the plugin which you just uploaded through cPanel
  22. Activate it
  23. How to uninstall a WordPress plugin through cPanel?
  24. Log in to WordPress Admin
  25. Go to Plugins
  26. Installed Plugins
  27. Deactivate plugin you want to delete.
  28. Login to cPanel
  29. Go to FILES and then FILE MANAGER
  30. Go to wp-content
  31. Go to plugins
  32. Then DELETE the plugin you want to delete.

How to upload Plugin from WordPress Admin?

  1. In order to upload plugin through WordPress Admin,
  2. log in to WordPress Admin, and
  3. then, go to PLUGINS,
  4. Then go to ADD NEW and
  5. then UPLOAD PLUGINS and
  6. then CHOOSE FILE from the computer and
  7. then after uploading choose Install Now.

It is always a good idea to install the plugin from WordPress Admin. Some website such as Infolinks provides the customised version of the plugin. If you use Infolinks then it is better to download it and then upload it either through cPanel or through WordPress Admin.In this way, we learn in this article how to download plugin through WordPress Admin, how to upload already downloaded plugin through WordPress Admin and cPanel and then how to delete plugins from cPanel and WordPress Admin.


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