How To Connect A Domain From Google With Hosting From Bigrock Or Third Party Registrars

After staying with Big Rock with both hosting and domain part for my website I decided to shift my domain towards Google domains as there is a reason for it and in this article I shall elaborate in depth about it. I have found with recurring payments domain price increase from day to day and suddenly I found it almost 1200 indian rupees but these domains are available when I change to Google Domains for just under 900 indian rupees. Next I have found that with Google domain the integration with Google webmaster tools, google analytics and other essential google services provide very integral interconnectivity and that provides the running of domain superfast without any difficulties. 

Google Domain has a lot more easier interface and while connecting website with it provides detailed information  and as layman you do not need the help of specialists to connect your domain with other hosting solutions. Here, domain is name of website such as the name of website is and the hosting is from bigrock and this is known as from where all yours files and website elements stays and if you are using WordPress then you can also use it as of yours database inside yours hosting and this goes on to show the importance attached with the essential importance of connecting yours website domain name with its hosting computers servers. 

If you are using hosting and domain from the same website registrar then yours connections is being made automatically by registrar but in this case we have domain from google and hosting from bigrock and for this it is essential to connect domain with hosting and all the addition of records to be done inside domain part. When you buy a domain from google which means that yours account is with google and use that gmail account credentials that can be used with it and then log in to google domain administration page.

Then you will be at my domains page and there the lists of domains you use such as if you have more that one domain with google then all will be visible there and then click on the domain which you want to connect it with hosting and in this case bigrock hosting. From the left side click on DNS and then you will be reaching to the place which named as default name server and custom name server and from all of these two it is best to click on default name servers. Inside default name servers of google means that all four names servers of google is in use and then when you connect Google domain with that of other hosting then the name servers of hosting needs to be put and this means you cannot use google domain which is superfast and has almost nearer to one hundred percentages live time.

But the problem is domain need to be connected with hosting name servers other wise it wont work and when you connect it with name servers of hosting then google’s own name server will be invalid but the prime reason of purchasing google domain is that of to use it domain which means name servers for faster website rendering and in this case this is for sure not working. So there is another way where you can connect domains of Google into hosting parameters and for this it is essential to understand how these are working and how this second way can also make your website run faster with hosting and there will be no holding back of website rendering into it. 

Another most important part of Google domain name system is the existence of domain name security extension system which is in short known as DNSSEC and if google name server is in use then it it automatically within three days authenticate it and this means that yours website now secured from the side of google and for this it is essential to use google domain and its name servers. Now we need to login to a hosting account and for me it is a bigrock hosting account. Then click on the domain name meant for hosting. In simpler terms choose the account just side of name of your domain and it should be either linux or windows hosting and you need to choose it and it will open a detailed hosting page.

There click on the name server detail and then expand it. Here you will ave two option and the option one is that of placing name servers on the domain to point hosting account to domain name. You should go for second option or option 2 and from there add existing records beginning from A, MX and TXT records into DNS segment of Google domain and then wait for one hour and if everything is right then you should see your domain is showing yours website this means that yours domain connected with yours hosting and it is showing websites files of yours hosting. 

In short it is a good idea to go for option 2 as you will not be changing the name server which of course in my case it is from google so I do not want to change it with my hosting name servers so I go for second option which is that of setting A records, TXT and MX records so that it can connect with hosting. In this way Google domain continue to use cloud name servers from google as well as it connects with yours hosting providers. 


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