Corona virus disease (covid-19) advice for the public myth busters

Last Updated on May 25, 2022 by freewarespace

We are in the state of Lock down 2.0 in India and we do not have any iota of idea how many days will it continue but still we are very calm and would be supporting this nice initiative from Government of India. In this stage of pandemic we need to understand the vitality of these shut down as it will stop the spread of deadly Corona virus and will soon moved out from our nation. In this stage we do find many have become jobless but still we have to obey this in order to have a perfect state and cleaner India so that this virus will not go to the stage of pandemic.

We need to stop this pandemic otherwise it will soon engulf ours wonderful civilisation. In these trying times we should not go to the stage of pandemic and we should move steadily and obey government orders so that we will find the safe place to live in for us as well as for all of ours future generations in the times to come. I see how vegetable vendors come from Nayagarh to Puri town and in the place known as Badashankh they used to sell vegetables and have the increase amount of revenues to live a happy family life. Now, there is no allow of doing and selling vegetables in the main road and for this they have to sell it in the risk of police coming at any point of time and then taking away vegetables but still they try to take these small gap of time to utilise for it and then have the benefit comes out from it.

Their business is gone but rightly so as this is not the time to make the business but it is the time to survive but still they try to implement the time from five am to eight am where the law enforcing officials are yet to reach and thus they try to take the privilege of these durations. At Puri town of Odisha we do find that after 6 pm no one would be allowed open shops except of course beside emergency services. Most of pan shops and local food shops are now selling vegetables in stead of selling foods. The popular pan shop just in front of Ayurvedic college is now selling vegetables and in hiding providing people with tea as it is not allowed but people who have habits tend to reach there any point of time.

Similarly, one shop which was popular in terms of selling mixtures just by the side of VIP road as these selling are not allowed so now, it is slowly moving to the stage of selling vegetables in the front of his shop and also selling some fruits there and this means to say that in this stage of lock down, where selling of vegetables allowed in the streets not at the main grand road so now every small shop owners are turning into vegetable shops and now they are selling vegetables out in the streets. So, in this hours of crisis these small shop owners are now converted into vegetable shops and now they are trying hand with it. While walking nearer to the Jenari Gach (Jenari Tree Street) area I heard one shop owner was standing beside another pan shop which is selling vegetables out there and he said that why vegetable shops are allowed and why not all the shops as he is blinded to the fact that currently we are in the state of pandemic. The invisible Corona virus needs to stop its spread need to stop there right there. Only essential items such as vegetables and groceries are allowed and not so emergency items such as prepared food, clothes are not allowed to sell in the market and even vegetables and groceries are allowed till 6 pm everyday.

People tend to forget that first thing in mind is that is to survive and then we can think of earning money and making business and getting revenues and so on. All of these comes after and the first part and the most important part now is to survive. So many great civilisations such as Indus valley civilisation and so on just diminished with some days due to lack of knowledge about pandemic and we need to be alerted all of the time for this. Otherwise there is chance of entire civilisation could reach to the state of absolute destruction. We have seen many movies about it and now is the time to think seriously about it as we are moving into the stage of absolute care and in this war we could not see the signs of enemy as all of these are invisible and for this we tend to be active and alert all of the time. In this time we should not think about earning but in stead we should be moving to the stage of absolute survival and we tend to stay indoors during those courses of time.

Stay indoors and do not be ever listen to anybody who is trying to insinuate you to come outdoors and it is high time to avoid such gatherings so that you should as the citizen of India helps to stop the spread of these deadly viruses. We have seen how this pandemic spread outside within small amount of days in the United States of America within few days as they delayed implementation shut down for some days as this invisible enemy can move fast and people could not know that it would be there but in actual it would be there all the time. We need not be complacent in these moments of crisis as we should pay attention to all of these directions given by state governments as well as central governments as they are involving themselves day in day out so that we could have the secure presence and secure future. Do not listen to any of these rumours only listen to the governments handles of social share so that you could be stay updated with all of these information and stay healthy and secure and stay at home. It is important for all of us stay home and be safe and secure all the time. I read one newspaper report of how, in a foreign land, one rich business person, who was doing his business in a far away land reached home, and he should have intimate it to authorities and should have checked his health before reaching to his home and with family.

What it does is that, Corona from him which he got from foreign land now infected his better half, his children and ultimately everyone died of it. So Corona virus does not see that one is wealthy or poor but it continues to go from person to person and it is high time we should be alerted about it. If you are reaching from outside then it is important to first check yourself up and then work it out and then reach to your family. It is high time we should be alerted about it and should obey all the orders of it.

Originally published at on May 1, 2020.


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