We have been experiencing that more and more original equipment manufacturers such as Samsung Galaxy Phones, XIoami phones and other popular android brands does provide inbuilt device management such as Battery and Device care provide unique opportunities to manage devices and most of these functions go for managing battery, RAM usages, storage management and other productive steps that can make your device faster. Similarly in Microsoft Windows 11, we can download Microsoft PC Manager from Microsoft store to install this app on to yours Microsoft Windows 11 computer.
It is important to download this app from Microsoft store so that there will be no chance of installation of malware through pirated or corrupted PC Manager software. It provides health check to yours Windows 11 personal computer. It provides most of these functions automatically. So no worry for this on yours part. You can do this through manual PC boost but it is advisable to go for smart boost which goes on automatically.
Smart boost:

When you enable smart boost it will automatically boost or optimize yours PC performance such as RAM performance or when there will be large amount of temporary files when it can directly or indirectly affect performance of yours Windows 11 PC. It will automatically remove such files and RAMs resources. Windows 11 provides account login through Microsoft outlook mail then it can be set to start PC Manager automatically when you sign in Windows. It will remind you when an app update is available to download from Microsoft store and it will secure those apps before downloading into yours Windows 11 PC. It is advisable to enable get safe download reminders.
System Protection in PC Manager—

It can direct you to directly go towards virus and threat protection which will scan threats with Windows Security and by clicking on scan button you can go directly towards virus and threat protection and in this way entire PC security in one central module. In system protection you will have then windows update and it can show you to go towards Windows update and if it shows available then you can click on it and it will exactly show how many update and nature of updates, driver updates and Windows 11 operating system and from there you can pick or unpick any updates to install into yours computer.
Default browser setting can be controlled inside PC manager app. When clicked it will redirect you to default app management or browser management and if you want to change default web browser app from these settings. Next property is task bar repair where after prolonged use task bar can be restored to default settings, and there ae some other options such as you can enable default features or all default features enabled. With prolonged use you can install more and more alternative software and while installation you can enable default apps and default apps can be changed and from restore default app you can restore default apps of office documents, pdf documents and if you want to make each app category to default apps and from here you can reach to there from set defaults for applications and here you can enable set defaults for application.
A new way to stop shareware to show any pop up ads can be done through pop-up management and if enabled it will detect any adware inside any apps and it will show there the apps and if you enable this it will block those apps from showing advertisement and thus it will save system resources and will not slow down yours PC while app is in use. In this way even adware apps can be played by stopping advertisements and in this way, it will not slowdown yours PC.
Storage Management of PC Manager-

It has deep cleanup functions where it will scan entire computer where it will provide clean up items of system items, application items and then in other system files there are optional components to clean up windows widgets, windows event trace log, windows network certificate cache and in other application items including web browser cache such as Google chrome, Microsoft Edge, , one drive and other uninstalled apps and finally there is option to remove recycle bin. Then in app segment you have process management, start up apps, uninstall apps and also there is the link to go for Microsoft Store.
Toolbox in PC Manager—

In the toolbox you have two segments such as windows tools and custom links and there is the option where you can enable PC Manager toolbar to float on desktop so that you can access all of thee tools can be accessed directly from the toolbar. In windows tools there are apps such as screenshot, screenshot folder, recorder, captions, notepad, calculator. In web tools you will have lin to short cuts such as edge quick links, Bing translate, currency converter, weather, image search and there is option for adding custom web links such as add link and there you can create short cuts. So that easily you can click on it and the links will open in yours default web browser.
In the settings tab of PC Manager you can enable boost setting which can automatically boost yours PC when it will see high usages of RAM or large amount of temporary files clotting entire space of personal computer. In the general settings you can enable or disable PC Manager automatically when you sign into windows. It can scan apps download from Microsoft Apps to check the veracity of app whether it is true or fake apps so it provides one additional level of protection for this. You can enable system language, appearance of yours system in terms of dark or light system look.
Windows come up with many features and with the advent of Windows 11. It comes up with so many features and finding these features becomes very harder to detect and for this PC Manager provides comprehensive solution to find out apps which you need most, restoring of default settings of tool bar and other important apps which you need the most and then there are other optimized features which can be done through automated systems as well as it will stop adwares to showcase advertisements. So, it will save important internet bandwidths as well as precious storage spaces and also unwanted annoyances of full-page advertisements that might come up and there is possibly many great chances of presence of full screen malwares and that can be disabled through PC Manager instantly.
Manu a times with the advent of many similar apps at some point of time you do want to reach to default apps then easily you can do this from PC Manager and instead of searching windows here and there you and it makes yours task easier said than done. In Windows 11 entire operating system seems to be one of mobile operating system and for this automatic optimization of system resources is the need of the hour and it comes up directly and that provides avid performance enhancements in order to be super fast and provide one of faster operating system at your perusal. After getting Windows 11 operating system and its fast performance and the real reason behind the presence of mobile type network operating system does indicate more and more progress towards watching and observing these manifestation of performance improvements to its excellent capacity.