A drenched dawn

The time is early morning, nearer to dawn. The bright sunlight is yet to reach the earth. It is time to venture out for morning walk. In a cool winter, it is high time to walk in the morning weather. With the smoldering colder is hovering around both the shoulders, the think of morning walk is quite fascinating. It will be a refreshing occasion, just woke up with alarm, but surprised to see the rain at the winter. This is very distressing for me. So, the morning walk for the day is to be cancelled.

It is so, sad but venturing into rain is not a good proposition at all. So, what shall I do it now? It is best to be with computer to finish the unfinished daily routine now. Morning walk plan is now gone so now I am with computer. Now almost two hours of web browsing with broad band. Then shut the computer and finished my cores. Then, I am going to finish the worship of Lords. Then I am eating the tiffins. The tiffin is consisting of Poha; it is very delicious with lots of vegetables. It is for healthy mind and heart.

Now, the time is coming for writing of blog. I am writing regularly on Triond, Wiki nut, Infobarrel and Publ.sh. I will have to write at least three articles for the day. For SEO I will have to write longer article so that it will be Google friendly. I am devoting almost three hours per writing of blogs. It is cold out here; my fingers seem to be shivering with cold. So, while typing the blogs I have just stopped writing for few seconds and then am starting all over again. India loses to Australia in the Boxing Day test match.

Very bad batting is done by batters except Sachin and to some extent by Dravid. Ashwin failed to impress. I think Ojha should have a look into the team for the January 3 test match. Ojha can be a better prospect with bowling, though he is nota a good batsman such as Ashiwn. Now, I am thinking about writing one article on optimization of stress and attaining the level of positive stress to maximum.


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