Examination reforms in Odisha

Matriculation examination begins from this Monday. The significance of this examination is related to student’s career is immense and for this, this examination gains more attention from students. Six lacs

students appearing for this year examination, out of them some are from regular streams and some are from ex-regular streams.

Matriculation examination begins:

This proves that this is the biggest examination of the state if one could consider this examination in terms of students appearing for this. For last few years there have been some untoward incidents in matriculation examinations.

Last year the leaking of question paper in one examination centre compelled state government to postpone the examination and then reschedule again. Last year due to this incident the date of examination moved ahead for a month.

Then, the whole state surprised that at one of the examination centre meant for reviewing students papers, there is no light and with artificial lights, the examination papers are reviewed and at one such centre, the notebooks became wet and the teachers had to read those wet notebooks and reviewed it.

This matter highlighted when the question was raised inside the assembly and the matriculation board had to face questions. After all these fates of incidents, considering all the aspects, the department of education and matriculation board, decided to bring forward some improvements in examination systems.

One significant improvement is that students have to write answers in their own question papers. Due to non-separation of question paper, examination malpractices should be stopped with it.

In the earlier time, questions and answer papers are separate and in some manners question reached outside so as concerning answers and due to this single question and answer system most of the examination malpractices should stop.

In earlier times, from outside answers are prepared and then reached to students as copy and due to this step, this aspect of malpractices should reduce further. The next aspect of improvement of examination is the establishment of nodal centres in and around areas.

In earlier times, question reached at examination centres much before examination and for this, there is a heavy chance of question can be leaked. Due to not so security apparatus available in and around examination centres, this question paper leakage is possible at some centres.

After reviewing this problem, the board established over 300 nodal centres on state, where the question papers can be stored there with full security and the questions reached at the examination centres within hours before starting of the examination.

The principal part of all these reforms can be seen as that of not so much good quality examination in schools and for this student have been indulging copy and other related malpractices, which is not good for career and future of students as a whole.

There are many schools out there, where the only limited number of teachers available and in most of them, the teachers who are specialized in one subject had to teach some other subjects due to unavailability of teachers with specialized subjects.

Due to the limited salary of teachers, even in this time of higher inflation, they had to indulge in many agitations by skipping schools and studying students.

Many political parties are now trying to bring teachers into their movements and for this, they have to skip schools for joining political movements that bring more absence for teachers.

Most teachers indulge tuition to earn more money and compensate for their lesser salaries and ignoring and most of the times, not concentrating on school studies and for this, the standard of school education minimized and restricted more and more towards only education that no complete meaning attached with it.

It seemed that local teachers are not deliberating more towards students and for this standard of students are on the decline. Teachers are not concerned about student’s understandings of the subject, they only go with according to examination schedules and nothing more attached to it.

In earlier times teachers used to teach inside schools during leisure and extra times to clear doubts from between students but now all these no there, teachers only teach within their schedules and most of them are not concerned about their results.

Due to these trends and phenomenon attached between students, only a few of scholars and meritorious able to reach to examination centres with full conviction attached with them and most of them reached at the examination with full of doubts and for this other way of succeeding examination grips into their mind and due to this fact, examination malpractices are on the rise, they choose for shortcut to success.

Many students who are afraid of examination :

Many students who are afraid of examination and cannot indulge in malpractices, they tend to go for another way of life by thinking about ending own self and for it to remove the fear of examining the role of teachers is paramount and they should concentrate on nation building by attaching most of their time to improve education and they should always remember that it is the quality that matters the most.

Government giving away free bicycles to students and the principal concern of the government attached to it is that they want students should reach school and they should be here for education.

Parliament passed a law and have done universal education and also makes it compulsory, the sole motive behind this is to achieve the importance of education.

It is a welcome step on the part of education department to impart educational reforms in matriculation examination with the arrival of one single question and answer papers, the nodal centres for the security of question papers as well as for speedy deployment of question papers within a short span of time in and around schools.

is a vast difference in education standards among English medium schools and local language medium schools. There should be the proper building of syllabus and its related curriculums in local schools so that, the whole sum standard of education should be universal in all aspects of students and for it, proper career buildings are the order of the day.

It is now time to rectify the proper education reform after a good examination reform this year.

Sources & References:

[1] https[:][//]www[.]thedailystar[.]net[/]opinion[/]interviews[/]make-question-paper-leaks-redundant-1539946

[2] http[:][//]articles[.]cbseguess[.]com[/]continuing-education[/]are-examinations-the-best-way-to-evaluate-students

[3] http[:][//]www[.]yourarticlelibrary[.]com[/]essay[/]examination-reforms-in-india[/]45224

[4] https[:][//]www[.]cram[.]com[/]essay[/]education-reform[/]PKC3XQKKXC

[5] https[:][//]ilm[.]com[.]pk[/]learning-articles[/]%E2%80%98reforming%E2%80%99-the-education-system[/]

[6] https[:][//]idreamcareer[.]com[/]blog[/]student-suicides-educational-pressure-india

Originally published at mohanmekap.com on February 18, 2013.


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