Women’s safety and security issues


In the recent straight of event that had been unfolded from time to time, has shown some worst trends in terms of security of women at public places and why this is happenings is not the matter to ponder on but it is time to look at it beyond it as this article will help the readers to know more about the situations how the women going to face and how they could manage and even forcefully evict in such situations. We have heard about women had been constantly harassed in mid of the roads , solitary places , bus and autos , but when someone finds the fault then it is being shifted from person to person as if circle chair. Now , it did seem that for the woman , it had been difficult to go out from home ,and why this is happening , a woman is feeling the fear when she comes out from home alone , because at no place there is security for her . So, it is now time to look beyond it and to look for own security. It is true that now everywhere it does think that danger is lurking out and it is time to be able t equipped yourself, and here are some of the suggestions, which I read it from Sunday edition of Dharitri named “Chutidina” January 6, 2013.

If you are in auto or train:

First know the name of the driver and its details, in state capital most of the auto drivers had to have the identity information in their autos and try to remember or write it down. Then, check whether, the face identity card photo auto driver is same as that of the driver who is driving inside auto. Sadly at Puri, the identity of auto driver is not there inside auto and many autos did not have any name plate and registration number plate in their auto but they have driven inside Puri town.

While you have the inside taxi, check out the central lock system, and always seat near the driver in taxi, do not seat in rear seat inside taxi, because, driver can lock the rear doors and then can kidnaps you.

While going at a local train it is always advisable to seat in the compartment full with people.

If you are walking:

If you are pedestrians and do the most of the work through walking, then you should be more careful. Always look at front, rear, left and right of you and do not put ear phone inside your ear, as if you are listening the songs then, if someone comes near you and try to rob any thing or bad behavior to you, then you could not know it suddenly, so it is better not to listen songs while walking. Do not walk in one uniform road; it is better changing the tracks from time to time. While walking do not walk as if you are afraid of everything, this is not good for you. Walk with confident and without fear and go with a peace of mind.

Dress sense:

Do not wear that sorts of dress that might not good to work, if with some dress you think that it is not comfortable to walk with, then do not wear that dress. This means that do not go for tight dress or longer dress as this could pose difficulty for you’re while walking. It is because , while at danger the best-managed thing is to run from that site for this , it is better to wear such and such dress that could not pose any difficulty for running and that is the best-managed way to think of it . If you wear tight or longer dress then it is difficult to run and it you wear high heels then it is impossible to run through so while you are walking and going something and alone then try to use this advises.

Keep with you:

You should be keeping with you a fully charged mobile with full talk balance and you should be keeping a mobile that should be original and with good network facility. Enable “Speed call” of mobile and in it puts the numbers of your family; the benefit is that by switching one button of it you can call them right away. Yours family will knows from it and then they will be right with you , try to keep your mobile with no lock place as it is sometimes taking time to unlock the phone and then call so it is better to make it without a lock. It is better to keep, clove powder, so that if someone inadvertently attacks you then, you can throw, these to his eyes so that they could not be seeing anything. Always keep the help line number with you so that if you need it, will be always at your finger steps.

Modern weapons for your security:

Now-a-days we are living in a modern world; where there are many gadgets are there in the market with technological innovation and other par excellence where, woman can be safer with it. Some of them are as follow.

Pepper spray: Ladies can use pepper as themselves protection, and with many modern equipments had been built on. First, no one will able to know, what this is about, it is of different kind like that of lip stick or that of rings , and some of the popular brands making these like that of Hot shot and Wild fire.

Personal alarm: It is one of its kinds a small electrical device and when it is began it sounds like it will break the ear, the sound is very cruel, what it does, the person who wants to attack you, listen the sound and ran away from that sport, in fear of caught by others as that sound is so large and cruel it does feel the fear for attackers. Its first look as if it is a torch light and it sounds high with it. It is portable and small and can be kept everywhere with you wherever you go.

Electronic control devices:

With this instrument, you can give electric shocker to attackers or the suspected persons, aftershock affect is that the muscle stiffs and for this that person could not move for seconds and that will give you the time to run from the scene. The more fascinating part of it , is working within 15 feet distance , so you can attack the suspect from a distance , so the attackers could not come near you easily , there are two brands that are selling theses products are Taser and PjaZZer .


It is the right for the women to stay at front, and the most difficult for them the way some of the bad intense people around there and they try to see the woman with some other visions and for this the securities and the cautions the lady need to track and hold. Also keep track of your friend circle, be it woman or gents as most of the times the most intimate friend became the real enemy so for this keep track of friend of friends and watch your intimate friend’s motive, remember do not blindly follow any relationship as it has been seen that most of the cases of mishaps, there could be some sort of relationships, so try to stay out of it. If you think that yours friend has some bad intentions and after repeated warning he is not leaving you then it is better to tell your parents and they will tell police to mend the way for him.


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