Where to go?

The sad clouds have gone back and the entire area shines like the light reflection on silver. The reflection is so immense and shiny that one could not expect what is coming from the other side of the road while driving sports utility vehicle. The incoming light reflects him and it becomes darkness amidst lights and nothing is visible from there at any point in time. It is not sheer imagination or anticipation of any thoughts, but the flow of ideas which has been there formerly in this situation inside the continuous flow of luminosity which seems to be not present there at any point in time. In the meantime, the flow of sounds coming out from the near street, seemingly suggestive of proposition of preparation of marriage where the entire atmosphere seems to be agog with enthusiasm just like moments before the world cup win of yours home win and then it materialized to real situations.

The people’s sound coming out from get together, is making huge embankment of happiness all over to him, as per undue reason the congested traffic is at the super highway and he is driving the vehicle with slower speed and in this way the entire happiness he is listening from the vicinity and is trying to garner all the spots of happiness through all of his past glories. The lost happiness just like the shreds of tears coming from his eyes with greater simulation of spontaneous moments with no such invisible pathways, still he becomes happy and always trying hard to find all those from the bushes of sideways as if something lying there and staring her from the other side of her conscience. He feels like a lizard starving on the walls and looking for praise, but the entire room is closed and the lizard is still lurking here and there with no new ideas and dreams.

In the meantime, the parking is now time for him to drive once more. it is already nine in the evening and he is late because of some pending works and also he is taking two days of leave and for this he works for more hour and in the meantime;he is trying to drive with good speed with no hastiness. In the meantime, two big lights towards him from the other side and they are not dipping the lights and still continue to be there, he slows he vehicle as if it seems the already running cloud stops for some moments before enliven again through huge vent of winds and air. Passive ideas come with reality. All the trees are there and it fading to the most ways to attend the real standard of life and with due diligence he is trying to revive his life with full motive and plenty of dreams that can have been there but many a time, he thinks all these are from very faraway places and he is trying hard to collect it like the precious metals from the sea.

Beautiful songs coming out from FM stations and he to see the finding of some FM stations in these sense juggles and this must be because of cool winter climates and in this way the entire possibilities of ideas that has been coming out from every passive side of brain is worth considering. The beautiful songs that is flowing from the sides of sea is enticing to consider and the way the winds flows through the vents gives the sense of chillness and with no such ideas the entire volume of dreams seems to attend the source of movement which cannot ever be with no such doubts minimization to the entire straight of his life where few ducts have been there which were full of bridges and other noticeable ideas. It is like not the pushing of other eggs to stay in the prominent position but staying together and remain inside a bond to create the most energetic and wonderful motion where everyone could stay in one unit situation upon one another with no signs of liability and other facets of administration which can under-utilized.

All these are not the examples of some wonderful inventions but all these comprises the path where the aim of all attendances comes to prominent and the proficiency of estimation is making entire situation liable to the most misnomer but yet can be identifiable with each facets of life and considerable with a pro value of intrinsic ideas. It is not like a situation which would like to reel in difficult situations but it can have the most memorable and understanding of all happenings which us can ever imagine you to the core attendances of life and in its relative wonderful considerable moments. Why someone can count all these moments back and cannot assimilate to a single entity which no one would ever foresee understanding and assimilate.

All these seems to go overboard with some farcical defacements among different departments poking at each other with no such of prior inhibitions and other forms of separate acts of omissions and commissions. The arguments and the strong commitment among local staffs is slowly, stopping the entire mass units like nothing and they are obstructing the conversations among each other and trying to stop the entire office work with their, and the only motive for them is to extract the sums and nothing else, and for this they demand money for each work but in reality they do not need this as they paid by the organization but what they want more from the executive to pay it more and for this work environment dilutes to the extreme scores of imagination.

Each day, there would be many more talks and more confusions and arguments among staffs and they want money and nothing else and for this the entire spheres of life revolves around the self and the underestimate of probability and the competitions among the masses is making the life more than difficult to expect and compare. Because of more 20 years at the same branch office, most of staff members seems to have coordinated into a single units and the executives who are reaching there for two to three years seems to get into entangled among the different discussion and other facts of ideas where entire work process if they allow the power from these staff pressure groups goes overboard with no doubt. They are form the local areas and they try to create the differences of the local people with that of people outside as executive though you have larger power but you do not recognize the potential as it is not easier to attach the recognition and implement executive powers while you are at the helm of affairs.

Laws are nice and they are good always but not easier in the practical sense and for this it is always the nice idea to sense the situation in what so ever manner and in this way the entire path of ideas which has been crippling with the deep sense of flow is giving the momentary shifts of generating the complex anticipation which can never happen at the first place. This is short of exercising power over real power and that too in a way is not in compliance with the proper set of rules which to come to real terms and for this the entire path of ideas and contribution comes from many sources and in this way the entire path of the sequence of laws are one by one and in this way the entire set of ideas is slowly going towards the sand and it is always if someone makes friendships with those staffs pressure groups it is always chances that one can be easily go to corrupt practices.

If one goes with the correct practices, then he would face the dangers of life, it is true, that to stay in the right course of path one has to be careful while dealing with these sorts of issues as this can have the deadly impact because of local staffs which has been there for years and with no sort of difficulties. It is a difficult situation, in one situation of one goes with the straight path, he has to face the danger to the life and if he goes with the not legal way of what the staffs are demanding, then he would do the acts which are not there according to the laws of organizations and this would really put more stress on him and there are difficult decisions and which way he could choose, the decision is difficult to take, as there are dangerous circumstances to each situation.


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