What is dark matter and dark energy ?

What is dark matter and dark energy ?

I fond of writing articles about space. As we can extend ours thought process and the process of thinking and the thought process as it can provide you to umpteenth imagination towards moving to space, universe and probably beyond. When we think of space we confronted with two dynamisms, that is one of time and the other is that of space. So, is it a puzzle between time and space, so let us discuss. When we are thinking about distant space and universe we said that this is from the other time and it happended such many years back and now we are seeing and this means we are such time behind the schedule but is it correct.

So, what is time here, which is blocking ours endeavour to reach towards the movement of space and when we think of it then whenbig telescopes takes the picture of stars and galaxies beyond the universe, then these pictures are from past for so many years. Is it the right way of thinking and how come such parts of time of a particular object is being seen in the courses of time and duration and this seems most of times some thing the story of fictional stories as how come such prints of time occur differently for us and then differently to other galaxies. Is there anything superior to time and space which we still not able to define. Is there anything to do with light and darkness of universe and is there anything more to learn from the darkness of space in relation with time or space.

When we move into space we do see empty space and everywhere dark and there will be lesser spots for lights when we do encounter planets in between and then we can see all of these in the sphere of thinking that we tend to stay in the realm of light and see it such the way and even in the darkness we do have electricity to cope up with to make or remove darkness. So, we have not been able to cope up with the presence of darkness and when we do see the presence of darkness then we do consider thinking about the presence of more towards the presence of darkness. As we are dealing with light everytime we are missing on the point of what is there inside the darkness. When we stay inside darkness for longer time without the need for lights then slowly we can feel that even ther is nothing called as that of dark as even without light we can see everything with darkness.

In order to prove this theory correct, we can take an experiment to see how it works. A persons can be locked inside a room which should have no windows, doors and there will be no lightand electricity except air condtion inside room should be there. There should be food there to live a perfect life but there is no lights. If that persons stays in the light for days then even darkness can be illuminated and that person can see each and every furnitures in that room in precise details and that can provide more and more possibilities of seeing is the darkness is a mystery and it is related.

So, with due course of time that persons which stays in darkness for day in and out can see that reducing of darkness and slowly those darkness becoming luminates. So, now it is clear that light is proportionate and even when some one say that it is darker but for others it can have no darkness as it becomes proportionate and when we practice working without lights then after some time we could see that darkness is a myth and we tend to be overdependent on lights to watch and even that hurts ours eyes and ours looking glass becomes more and more powerful due to plenty of use of lights and hgiher portions of lights at different places and different locations.

Everywhere, while calculating about space, universe, light we have been deeply thinking about the presence of time and space and that limits ours understanding about how universe works. When we consider distance about time andand universe we do think about certain limitations which preside while thinking about space and its equitable comparisions with time in relation with it. Time limits ours observation and we need to find way to move ahead of it and it is been called as ours maximum speed cannot exceed speed of light as similarly we have been entangled with the presence of everything in relationship with light we some what limit the most space occupied by universe by the darkness where scientists called it as dark energy, dark matters.

As whatever we see all are due to lights but it is only less than five percentages of the space of universe and rest of majority space of universe that is almost 95 percentages and this dark matter space is available as scientists called it as spaceas this cotrols entire space of universe and there are lots of fields of area where entire control of universe which many secrets still there.

I think with lights we could not surpass the speed of light and we cannot surpass and it is almost impossible to surpass and for this we could not move  beyond distance limits in relationship with speed of lights as it controls the movement of lights in relationship with speed and distance. So, how can we move beyond spcific speed of lights. So, we have to find location and movement beyond the area and dimesnions of lights so that there will not be any comparison of speed of lights while movement and for this we have to completely develop such and such medium, where there will not be any difficulties of understanding thatneed for space and time and in relationship with lights should not be there at any point of time.

So, we have to find and reseach more about dark energy, dark matters and unravel the entire universe where entire presence of dark energy and dark matter reresides. We have to unravel the mysteries behind these dark space of universe as it occupies entire 95 percentages of universe as this is a must use for us to understand and learn about it as here there is no presence of light and this means that we can move within seconds and beyond the speed of lights inside dark spaces of universe. As here there should not be any limitations about speed of light as there will be no light as darkness everywhere and we have to find the way out to see everything in the darkness without any help from light.

When we solve the mysteries behind what is there dark matter and when we do understand what is dark energy and the ways to solve the mysteries behind what energy matters and what energy provides the information what is intended to provide for and what is the entire process of energy management that comes forward to occupy the entire process in which way proper management of ideas are being exchanged and provided deeply into entire possibilities of manging the process dealing with speifications of dark energy and dark matters. It is of utmost important to understand the entire movement that it is being managed and performed with.

Is light making us the thought hallucinations and it provides tricks to us so that ours brain restrict us to a limited boundaries and that would make us think about the presence of imaginary that constitutes its formation. So, it is kind of restrict ours movement and segment ours thought processes within the specified boundaries of space and time and that provides full stop to investigate aboout universe. So, we have to seggregrate everything that is coming upwith lights and what should be done here is that what should be the position of space and time in dark spaces. Why there is more that 95 percentages of space of universe is filled with dark matters and dark spaces.

So, it means that we are still not knowing about 95 percentages of universe and why dark matters are in high number as that of light environment. We have to dig into why there is high number of secrets behind dark matter and dark energy. We need to see the matter in the perspective dark matter and drk energy so that everything can be looked into perspective of seeing everything and what is there inside the realm of darkness. Dark matter is not dark but it does not absorb or reflect anything and that is why it is always very difficult to detect and most of times it is called dark matter as it provides some uneneding and inconclusive evidence of presence of dark matter. That is why it is important to note that with the no presence of reflection of it we have found difficulties in detecting it so most of times it seems hypothetical.

Generally matter consists of protons and neutrons and that interact with lights and that shows us to us and then it is visible as both protons and neutrons interact with lights and then we can see matter or object. Dark matters are non luminous as it does not reflect or it does not have electro magnetic radiations. Dark matters does not collide with each other as it does not interact with each matters of atoms and it does not collide with each other and it can directly move into other dark matters and it can move into dark matters and with each matter without any collision and for this we cannot detect these matters. So far we could not detect dark matters because of entirely different nature of presence of objectives of dark matters. Dark matter or antimatter provides just the opposite of ordinary matter.  

So far we have not been able to see dark matter or anti matter but the presence of something is there which reminds tht which act just the opposite to what the laws of physcis aimed to provide. As the laws of physics said that inside the spinning of galaxy those stars at the end of galaxy tend to move slowly that those stars which are nearer to central point of galaxy, but in realty stars nearer to center of galaxy as well as those stars at the end point of galaxy tend to move, rotate in the similar speed as that of the stars situated at the end of galaxy. So, this is against the laws of physics and this means that there is some unseen force is there which we cannot detect but it still able to pull through stars which are at the end of the galaxy. So, there must be anti matter which works laws against physics.

When we observe lights from the distant galaxies, it tend to bend at the presence of massive objects such as galaxies in between, and this phenomenon of light is called as gravitational lensing. But it found that the degree of bending of lights is much more that what the laws of physics and this means that in addition of gravitational forces there are some still unseen forces which is yet to be discovered but still these bend the light more that just the what it expected to be done. This goes on to prove that these lights tend to move beyond additional invisible mass and those can be called as dark matter.

In the aftermath of Bing Bang explosion and when the first step of creation of universe occurs and then the cosmic microwave background energies is being distributed among each and every small and tiny after glow of energies is being distributed to each and every tiny elements and when all of these visible forces are being distributed are seemed to be 5 percentages and the rest 95 percentages of the power distribution after big bang theory  distributed 27 % of dark matter and 68% of dark energy. As when we divide and calculate all of thees microwave background energies we could only found 5 percentages of those energies and  the rest 95 percentages energy distribution cannot be seen as only 5 percentages of energy distributed within ordinary matters so these are only visible and the rest are not being seen and these are distributed within dark matter and dark energy.


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