We care we dare

Now there had been conscious posters all around city buses to awaken people to let them realize there responsibility. In the capital there had been more than 25000 auto rickshaws, the three wheeler short vehicles, but the only 17000 auto had been so far registered with photo identity cards and still there are some illegal auto drivers there, and for this in recent time, auto driver behaved badly with a lady nearer to delta square had been implication of bad state of administration handling. As the history showed that whenever there had been not so security situations for women then that administration would suffer ultimately and it is height time the administration must rise from the bed , it is now not the time to sleep for them as their duty is to provide security to citizens.

Last year one auto driver with the help of another , murdered another auto driver and this showed the bad to worse behavior of their to people and as it seemed that these auto drivers are more or less criminal minded and think of it they were driving them as public transport system and these matter became more and more concerned. Now, the administration is active and actively checking all auto drivers and it is better late than never and the work of administration is much appreciated. Administration is now afraid of increasing bad behavior to ladies and with the advent of New Year, police wanted to make the city more peaceful than ever.This time administration is plunging into action in more serious manner, they are now taking the security issues of ladies as well as citizens more seriously, now it is mandatory for all the city bus driver and conductor and auto driver had to register with photo license in order to drive the vehicle in the city.

In the recent state of events, where time and again the security of women had been breached, and there had been critical reactions to this and many a time people had been into the streets for justice. These incidents had not been ended, has after these also there had been similar fate of incidents related to worst behavior to ladies, especially bad behavior to them while they were into bus or trains or in three wheelers. In the last two years according to some estimation, there had been 88 cases of bad behavior to women those were reported and there had been many cases that were not been reported, this implied that the situation was not rosy at all. There had been many cases where these were not been reported at all and this added to misery of problems. In some incident, there had been instances, where these cases had been solved before it was being brought to public notices.

Why these incidents had been happenings day in and day out through out the state and especially at the capital and all these had been major reason for concern for good will citizens. Medias had been critical to this incident and with stiff criticism all around it seemed that administration has now been activated to this sensitive problem and now there had been trying hard to make the situation more and more responsive. Now there had been conscious posters all around city buses to awaken people to let them realize there responsibility. In that poster it had been written that if at any circumstances, if any lady had been misbehaved then she could dial 100 the police control room and then the police would swung into action swiftly. It seemed that after much criticism the administration is desperately trying to revive it image and for that reason it is going in the correct way so that people will feel safer while they were at public transport system.

Some citizens feel that this should be done earlier , one year back, with more than 15 lakh population in the city , and more and more floating population from nearby villages , these realization could be taken positively as it is better late than never. In last one year due to inactive administration, criminals became powerful and many a times they had been thinking as beyond the administration as the recent bus stand gang war between two associations had been testimony of this fact. Many locals also accused that law protecting agencies had been actively engaging with them and for that matter the criminal’s activities and especially against women had been on the rise. One previous police commissioner thought that, there should be heightened securities in the sensitive areas like that of temples, squares, parks as there had been more such incident in these nearby areas. If this had been done earlier then, these incidents should not have been happened at the first place.

In the capital there had been more than 25000 auto rickshaws, the three wheelers short vehicles, but the only 17000 auto had been so far registered with photo identity cards and still there are some illegal auto drivers there, and for this in recent time, auto driver behaved badly with a lady nearer to delta square had been implication of bad state of administration handling. As the history showed that whenever there had been not so security situations for women then that administration would suffer ultimately and it is height time the administration must rise from the bed , it is now not the time to sleep for them as their duty is to provide security to citizens.

Last year one auto driver with the help of another , murdered another auto driver and this showed the bad to worse behavior of their to people and as it seemed that these auto drivers are more or less criminal minded and think of it they were driving them as public transport system and these matter became more and more concerned. Last year one visitor had been murdered by auto driver and this went on to speak the volume of criminal activity the auto drivers had been indulging in day in and out and it is a surprised that till to date why the administration had been silent on these matters , there had been incidents of giving sleep tablets to visitors by them and then took away money from them and all these had been of bad tastes for auto drivers and it is high time visitors to boycott these auto drivers as their behavior in the capital city of this eastern state had been from bad to worse.

Now the administration had been plunging into action, as within few days they found that there had been many auto rickshaws that had not been due papers and they are running their vehicles in the roads. These inspection should have been done from earlier times , if the reports had to be believed in the capital many autos had been running and their owners are police officers and for this their drivers behaving badly with visitors as they knew that if at all the incidents reported then administration will not be doing any thing to them and with this the situations had been now bad to worse and it is high time the administration rise and protect people at large as one cannot stay in the city as it is also true that one would be paying for travel and then rebuked and assaulted , these can only happen in jungle raj not at democracy like all of us residing here.

Now, the administration is active and actively checking all auto drivers and it is better late than never and the work of administration is much appreciated. Administration is now afraid of increasing bad behaviour to ladies and with the advent of New Year, police wanted to make the city more peaceful than ever. In the last few days after repeatedly bad behavior to ladies and also people, the administration is now super active and it is now preparing the most wanted lists of criminals and trying to capture them before it is too late. According to one higher ranked administrative officials from every police stations there had been listing of most wanted criminal and police trying to nab them and bring under them custody , they will be taken to court before new year and this time administration is working in serious manner .

This time administration is plunging into action in more serious manner, they are now taking the security issues of ladies as well as citizens more seriously, now it is mandatory for all the city bus driver and conductor and auto driver had to register with photo license in order to drive the vehicle in the city. There had been as written above , a conscious campaign undergoing in and around the city by pasting posters in the city buses, about the security needed to be taken and in which way one could be more and more secure by applying mentioned steps there. Within few days there would be special squad meant to give security to ladies, and they will be stationed at squares, isolated places, and parks and also they will be giving protection to ladies while they are in morning walks and evening walks.


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