Tips To Drive More Traffic To Your WordPress Website

Having a website creates the zeal to lure and more visitors. It not only increases revenue for the website but also provide complete week-long workouts with your computer to write and investigate the mind in terms of better and wider outlook on different subjects.

Receiving good traffic had always been difficult. Day by day there had been a greater increase of audiences worldwide where we do find more and more aggregations towards achieving the ultimate objective of the search and find the relevant contents so as to find interesting pieces of information.

Content is king. In marketing, we do find good products are the main factors for succeeding generations of marketing ideas. So as in website building where we could find that quality contents did bring about more and more visitors.

Nowadays the configurations of search engines are so that they tend to show these relevant links at the top of search results. There is no substitute for quality contents as it continues to attract visitors and most of the search engines prefer to show these at first sight.

There had been many illustrations on the internet about how to put a better title and snippet of article or description of article in order to invite more and more visitors but still these are not enough as the principal factor for continuous drive for relentless visitors is the presence of quality content as it is the king and the way it represents the ideas behind any subject author writes about showcase the importance attached with it.

There had been many search engine optimisation (SEO) plugins which could illustrate the importance attached with the search engine optimised website but still the most important part of it to understand and find out what it makes the best of it and how to involve and indulge with it so as to produce better results.

One needs to understand by installing plugins for every customisation or optimisation we slowly make WordPress website slower and that could prove to be ultimately bad for search engine parameters of websites. The most important part of every website optimisation is the presence of speed in which it loads and that is of paramount importance.

Second most important factor and a necessity for any good search engine optimised the website is the presence of ‘breadcrumbs’. It shows the website visitors exactly on which locations of the website they are at and it does provide clear-cut pieces of information about it so that there should not be any iota of doubts within the minds of visitors.

It not only provides users with a great sense of navigational presence but also does indicate to which and which route the user should move towards in order to reach the exact locations of the website.

This also helps search engine indexing to implement better indexing parameters than earlier times. Most of the time breadcrumbs that had been there with your site were being shown in search engine results page and that provides another prior piece of information to visitors about the category and the tags are being used by your site.

Many webmasters and search engine experts advocate for better interlinking of your web pages so that any keywords that had been the main source of articles could be interlinked with that specific keyword and that could be done with some plugins but still I am searching for whether it could be done without plugins with snippets of code instead.

It should be a must for most webmasters to have the provisions for related posts under every article so as to suggest users to read more about this related topics. It not only binds users with more option to have in-depth knowledge about concerned write-ups but also did provide huge implication of staying at the website for longer hours.

One could easily create related posts with the category or with tags used with a piece of code and for this no need to opt for any third party plugins. Generally, codes run smoothly and hardly had anything to do with the speed of the website.

Zemanta is a good option and its WordPress plugin does provide a huge boost to search for related posts and images but this could have a huge negative impact as it does contact third-party servers before running and that could have a huge impact on loading of web pages. Next is to implement social sharing icons into your website so that visitors. Could easily share websites without any difficulties.

There had been many professional websites which offer social sharing icons as sharing parameters and webmaster could implement these as the sole of installation as plugins but still as the advocate of making the website without the help from plugins we did need to understand that everything with WordPress could be easily done with the help from code snippets.

Most of WordPress coding deal with the content, single, functions and other theme files. On the Internet, there had been numerous examples and illustrations of how to do these optimisations and it is advisable to log in to WordPress website through its panel and then do the editing. Do not alter coding from the sides of WordPress administration.

Most of these plugins to optimisations could be done with a little bit of code and thus by avoiding the contact of the third party server and slowing down of website further. It is always been a good idea to have a better managed and well-organised installations a little bit of coding in order to make it the most vibrant and user-friendly website.

Tweeter, Facebook, linked in, Google+ and Pinterest are some of the most important social media networking websites and sharing on these websites should be of prime importance in order to send these links to your followers. Slowly built a dedicated list of followers and follow back to those who follow you in order to have consistently increased the list of followers that should enable you to share more and more people.

Do retreats of tweets of others and you should find the same person tweeting yours shared links. Similarly, do like posts of others which should appear on your timeline and it is expected others to do the same.

These are the simple process and hardly half an hour or one hour time daily should be sufficient enough for sharing costs and liking their post and do know more and more pieces of information about it. If your website is on shared hosting then slowly you could move towards dedicated hosting so as to provide one of the most authoritative and comprehensive user’s experience when they visit your site.

It does provide huge freedom of loading. So in future, if your website is with shared hosting then do go for dedicated hosting or at least plan for it to go in the near future. Making your website encrypted does provide a huge increase of visibility with Google as Google promotes such website more than the normal website which sends and receives pieces of information without encryption.

On the downside, virtual hosting or dedicated hosting comes with a good amount of cost. Apart from this in addition to this one need to further customise the caching and WordPress performance even in a dedicated server in order to have the good amount of site speed to improve performances.

While purchasing for site speed parameters one need to very well care of its server optimisation and offloading of files so as to see its performance in real time actionable presence. Once your website gets a high amount of traffic the next parameter is to find out how many servers your website needs and how such a server could cope with the demand of websites that you are building upon.

WordPress has very easy configuration management where the database files of it can be moved to another dedicated server with complete ease with the slight change of configuration files. With all these implementations steps many portions of WordPress website can be shifted to some other servers in order to speed up website loading times to a considerable extent.

Most of hosting parameters are completely dependent upon the large number of hosting processes such as availability of a number of processors, the speed of the processor, availability of memory and disk place. Generally, hosting providers do demand higher money in the exchange of the higher amount of such hard disc spaces.

If you use too many plugins can make website heavier and sometimes with too much heavier plugins loading times of website take a ride for it. It could make your website complicated and difficult to manage and could take the huge amount of memory and when visitors browse the website that could make it the most difficult times to load as the server could experience downtime with it.

Then, the next important point is to see and observe whether yours hosting provide is from time to time updating server software such as Linux or Windows, Apache server, MySql and PHP as these updates needed as these could make the security parameters of website to a considerably higher altitude as well could introduce newer forms of innovations and performance optimisations with it.

Upgrade WordPress as usual as these could help you make it secure as well as well speed up to match for faster website performances. Make sure the amount of graphics in terms of cascading style sheets as well as of imaginary performances should be well optimised to suit to your needs in order to present one of faster website loading times for your visitors.

In this way, it reduces the extra load on servers and provides awesome management of website where most users who happen to be at your site should be seen reaching easily to it. The next parameter of word press optimization is to optimise its configuration.

Carefully consider and rethink about the theme you use as there is some theme which took three times loads of servers, and that could slow down your site to a considerable extent. Carefully look at the number of image files, sizes of cascading style sheets of theme, the number of queries to the server, whether cs, image files, and JavaScript files are optimized or not.

If necessary you could go for caching servers as well as need plugins to minimize such files. Enable Gzip compressions on the server in order speed up website further.

Plugins provide shortcut ways to implement additional improvements to the website. There are some drawbacks to using plugins. You are never sure whether codes that are used inside plugins are optimised or not so. If optimised whether it should suit your hosting and theme of the website. There are many such questions arise.

Many plugins do provide room for advertisements and these should be visible on the WordPress administration dashboard and it is important to notice that these should delay loading of the WordPress administration further. Do these plugins generate unnecessary database queries and do these should be necessary considering the amount of information there with Google about code snippets to be used for performance improvement of plugins?

Then come to the performance improvements related to the theme you use. Most webmasters do prefer to use professionally designed themes. These come with a cost factor. There are many webmasters who do prefer to edit and develop a theme from the core theme offered through WordPress.

If you develop a theme, then there is complete independence for yours to edit and manage a theme and make it the most lightweight and visible ones so as to showcase it for better. The useless number of images within a theme and if at all images are used then, optimise it better.

Use various image optimisation tools to reduce loading times of image to a considerable extent. See how any number of files your theme is using and try to reduce the number of files so that loading times of the theme should be considerably shorter.

Minify CSS and javascript file. Optimise image files of themes. Combine CSS files it is impossible to. Create single dimensional CSS files so that it could be optimised easily. Try to minimise query of these files by building upon more and more static valued files.

The problem with it, that every time you make adjustments to the theme then you should have to rewire the entire code once again. Avoid hardcore functions, charset, site title so as to reduce query reduction and optimisation of entire codes. Benefits related to adding static content within these files are that you can upload those files to another server and reduce the extra load on the server completely. You could use Flickr as your photo server.

It has one terra bytes of space and this should be enough for a single website with the article as important parameters. Feeds can be shifted to feed the burner so that extra loads on hosting server could be possibly reduced considerably.

If you wish to add videos to your article, then it could be uploaded to YouTube first and then add the code in order to showcase the same video. It should preserve the bandwidth limit of your hosting and website should be made available always whenever visitors reach to your website.

There are some hosting which is efficiently optimised to send static files and host it if it so then uses those servers in order to optimise the website to a considerable extent. By spreading files to multiple hostnames, it could speed up website further. Most of the web browsers go for contacting two servers at a time for one host.

If you go for four hosts, then it should contact 8 connections and if you have 16 files on the server then it should provide you with adequate and additional times and could speed up website further.

Similarly, javascript and CSS files could be uploaded to another server in order to speeds up website loading times to a considerable extent. From time to time you should have been installing plugins from WordPress repository, and it is always advisable to delete unused plugins and its files from the cPanel file browser so that, it should not be contacting server time and again and wasting important bandwidth limits.

Remove unnecessary eye candy that had been attached to your website such as sliders which are not necessary. Most of these sliders are good for electronic commerce sites but these have no value to a single website. Instead, attach a search form to expedite website searches.

A pretty looking website with absolutely no research contents could not be surviving for long. It is the content which is important and managing these contents could possibly fetch you more glory and make an absolutely wonderful path for monetisation.

Enable Gzip compression of the website so that the entire files of the website could be thinner and that should be lower loading times of website on web browsers. Most hosting providers offer Gzip as an application and it could be done easily by reaching its cPanel and use it and enable it. CSS and HTML file utilize plenty of repeated contents and spaces.

By enabling Gzip such repeated contents and spaces reduced and overlooked to make the file size of your website smaller and that reduces website loading times further.

Hotlinking of website should be disabled. This could be done with a simple dot https trick or there are some hosting which did provide various ways such as an application inside cPanel and if it is there then enable it so that its bandwidth should not be used by third party servers.

With this enabled, you could disable hotlinking of certain files types on your website and that should reduce the impact on the server.

Website such as Facebook, Pinterest uses the form of user’s server to showcase pieces of information about your website whenever these are shared into these and that could provide a huge impact on user’s server.

Monitor your websites regularly with online monitoring websites such as Pingdom so that whenever your websites go for downtime then you should detect it automatically. load scripts in the footer, prioritise contents so that important parts of the website should be loading first and that should reduce the weight of visitors considerably.

Implement database optimisation whenever necessary. These could be done by going straight to My SQL or could be done easily with some plugins available with WordPress plugin repository. Since WordPress is a comprehensive system it does works with complete database management and this cleaning, mountainsides of a database system is the need of the hour to have to speed up and vibrant workplace website.

It all comes to individual thinking of webmasters and their ability to learn and understand tricks from there on and with due course of time having gone through all these posts one could easily learn more about it which should enable having the most memorable and important part of speeding up the website which matters the most.

It is up to you to determine whether to use plugins or to use coding. It is between ease and speed you choose. Apart from this various other matters discussed here.

Most of these suggestions are barely common and it is advisable to go for coding part having seen and learn from the Internet and then implement these on your website to have the prudent and vibrant effect on it.

Further Readings:



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