The Playground

I decided to write this article as it relates to my school days and there are absolutely many emotions and attachments with school playground and surprisingly after so many years it is still standing in that shape and there is hardly any change to it. Because after almost two decades I visited my old school and met old school friends and then find out that the school and the play ground is in similar situations and there is hardly any change to it and this means that even after so many years there is hardly changes to it and this article is about that playground of my school and I should write in detail to let readers to share some of my experiences attached with it.

I used to stay for two to three years utmost in a school because of the nature of transfer of daddy’s job. Daddy is SBI executive and within two to three years we tend to change one city after another and for this I have to change my schooling from time to time. When I was at standard eight we reached at the hill station town of Tensa and its climate is beautiful and due to this climate in the state of Odisha is rare so it is a natural hill station and the clouds hovering within ours check in the winter and rainy seasons are the testimonies to the great weather and almost eight to ten months here already full of rains and this means entire route towards schools from ours quarter is full of slippery and for this we need to walk in the roads carefully.

Our school is at the top and this means that we need to over in the roads in terms of upward slope and the entire road is made of iron roads and this means even during those days entire road is very strong and even rain season for almost light months in a year but still the roads are never ever broken and this means that roads are strong. We need to have rain coats most of times while at school and for many days in a month there used to be rainy days as we find the presence of weather is one of most adorable ways to observe the life that are running within it. When the teacher is absent from the school then that period of ours becomes a play period. The playground is just at the entrance of the school, and in one of its side there is seating arrangements with shades. Everywhere shades are meant for protection from sun and in my school Tensa and its playground are meant for protection from rains and moving clouds.

It is an exception for sure we tend to enjoy the climate as it is cooler throughout the year almost and even in the night sky we can see the clouds moving from here and there and that makes the visibility less and that too, while walking on the street slope and that make the most of road walking enjoyable and this is one of the most glaring aspect of life which stays with ours mind forever and that provide the vivid stamp on ours thought processes. Even during 7pm at the light entire road would be isolated as the hovering clouds meandering here and there, and we could not see the person from one-meter direction, and that means that visibility factor is very low. Now, I should be talking in detail about playground of my school. It is a vast playground and due to rain throughout the winter and summer and rainy season there we find that; grasses are very heavy out there plus the water from the rain stays inside it and that makes entire field slippery and playing football in those fields make us difficult to run in that playground.

In soccer game player have to constantly run from one side of the ground to the other side and for this one need to have stamina power as well as proper management of running in order to stay afloat in the running coemption of grabbing the football ahead of others and this means that during those days the shoes quality are not good and we at school we tend to wear the canvas shoes and we tend to run with it as these had limited soles and no spikes and this means that if you get underbalanced then you can fall on the ground within a whisker. That is why many players tend to fall on that muddy ground and this means their school uniforms tend to get wet and they had to rush to their homes in order to change the uniform and attend the next class.

This is somewhat difficult for all of us as with the rain beginning we had to run through the slopes again and the road attached with it is full of speed breakers and those speed-breakers are of huge sizes, so while running to home we had to suddenly put the break in ours running and then go to the class again with the new uniform as this happens everyday day in and day out and running from schools in between and then going to schools after wearing the uniform tends to becomes the regular features during ours schooling days and the importance of playground there provide one of most outstanding part of understanding the relativity attached with school life in relationship with school comes into complete prominence. The importance of playground is that while playing we fell and ours school uniform becomes dirtier and this means, ours game teacher would allow us to go home for some minutes and then change the dress and mummy would provide food again and then we come running to school and in between we tend to find this as intresting and in between rain comes and the dress becomes wet and we tend to reach school with it but the teach would call us to stand out fro some time and in this way school life goes on and that means it is one of running and then running to school again and again.


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