The Crest Of A Wave On A Surfboard

This train is a far-flung train and is very popular and is one of the oldest in India| The Coromandelhi train was from Howrah to Chennai, and I ed it from Chennai to Bhubaneswar as it is a train I always use during the journey| Reservation one: AC I am deeply satisfied that no stranger will bother me what str during my journey|

My wife and I are on the top and bottom of this train and I had a good journey experience with this train and I am very proud of it sitting on this train| My wife and I have a section in front of the gate| Therefore, it is very convenient to use the toilet toil the sh|

The AC compartment is of a high order and I am thinking about the benefits of my return journey, achieved a lot and feel very satisfied and satisfied with the doctor and we are talking about all these incidents and how to prevent and manage it| They in future
I was managing my luggage which other or any other person person would not have to occupy that privilege as we are in both the top and bottom seats so it is a privilege destiny and sense of privacy that can be achieved through it| The train starts and after a few moments, I see my good old friends straight from my service day and my college days|

He and his good half gathered for a few moments before returning to my berth about 12 seats away from the birth of my childhood friend| Out of the four seats, the friend’s berth has two friends with two friends and his good half and two or four other men are sitting outside it, three women are sitting and they say they are in a RAC|

The ticket collector came and checked all the tickets but not lady’s ticket, after the incident was over, i was surprised to hear that this was happening inside the great Coronamandel Express|
From that AC cabin but instead the ticket collector brings that lady to another compartment and it seems that many transactions are known that that lady is coming back with a winning smile but without a valid dh ticket|

How the carmel ticket collector in AC allowed a woman inside the AC compartment without a ticket – the woman says she is waiting and not allowed inside the compartment – but she is making a mockery of the law and is a ticket collector| The entire system is a responsibility to make all the rules of the Railways a | It is also not a good practice to allow strangers inside the compartment|

The woman has five packages and imagines that she is a Waiting Ticket holder and illegally entering the luggage compartment and attacking the privacy of her fellow passengers, and is being assisted by the ticket collector of the corromandal train; And for what reason?
Why is he being allowed in and the conductor is not taking strict action very difficult sad is very painful – especially with a vintage train in its class of coromandel and it is coming from Chennai where I have seen everywhere from railway reservation counter to Apollo Lift| People wait in queues waiting for other choices and it makes me so fond that I have deep respect for Tamilians and their life way and observance but it is very sad to experience the behaviour of the ticket collectors sad | What kind of fraud snares are there sort|

As much as we can say, this is not expected for the AC compartment on the Coromandel Expressway and what security does not appear to be security near the Akura Expressway for the duration of the event| Some people standing near the shaw r chalaya in the AC compartment are not expected to be in place, but fire or other incidents are expected to occur| It can be a really harassing situation for women as well as for clever people|
It has not been seen in the coromandel from the experiences of my old friend and from the guard of any guard experience, but from the unwanted people standing near The Latrin and AC compartments, and from the behaviour of the ticket collectors and his greedy attitude| Aristotle once reiterated the same thing in allowing strangers inside ac compartments: energy is wasted and total energy is wasted|

I can only hope very well that an honest ticket collector will be placed in the AC compartment of The Coromandel, especially Chen trains running from Chennai to Howrah and adequate security are being provided| That’s when the question arises|


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