Sankhya Contemplation on the sin

Turnings are to the pure discernment, carried out constantly, a counterfeit enters the natural man, up an immortal in very next of force pulsating through apples through matter of love…

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The gems of Indian folktales in the Vedic literature

It shows the experience and it upholds the ancient social and cultural history. In the ancient literature most of the writings are mainly the poetry version and with due course…

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Do You need people who committed sins do know Its results But still they continue to Do It and What should have been the reason for this.?

This story goes back to Mahabharata age, where there lived one religious personality. Most of his times have been engaged with religious rituals, giveaways. Dedication to Lords. All these are…

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Puri Rath Yatra 2017

The auspicious occasion and the festive season is back again this year in the east coastal city of Puri with much fervor and enthusiasm. This time of year has seen…

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