Scholarly Article for Harvard Framework HRM Model

In the context of Human Resource Management and relationship with how the Harvard HRM model synchronises with the presence of present day government owned enterprises is the big ask to testify how it performs in real-time in management perview.

it provides the situation for long-term management of public sector where the strength of employees are on higher side and the work output and managing such strengths are on lower side. The negative side is that it does not provide a fairer ground for skilled employees for proper growth as the advancement or promotion of employees does not depend upon how skilled they are but how they manage to get into hand in hand with top gloves.

First is to identify skilled employees and retain them and provide proper career advancement as and when it is necessary and deeped fit they think as this not only enhances the management of ideas of development of skilled employees to retain into their organisation. Harvard’s framework of HRM model empowers public sector to relook their HRM policy and look deeper into how these provide better opportunities and provide a skilful environment for sustenance of skilled employees.

New HRM policy should look at employees psyche and their passion that empowers them to stay within their organisation so that other find their empowerment to stays within organisational standards and provide sufficient ground to stay and provide profits to organisational standards.

Retention of key and skilled employees are important as it is the single most important factor that contributes to organisational growth and proper and due management of organisational standards. Harvard framework of business standards that empowers organisation to look deeper into how HRM policy runs and how they perform and it should look into proper performance and management of human resource standards.

HRM policy should look deeper into how processes within organisation runs and how they affect and conduct running of business standards, and it is important to identify key grounds and networks that runs deeper into organisational levels.

Organisation must consider deeper into stakeholders benefits by relooking the processes within organisational standards and the proper effectiveness that organisation possesses. For this it is important to collect real-time data and how organisation performs in such situations and how these reflects in growth and standards that performs management standards and augmentation of processes that marches ahead within specific interval of time.

It testifies three levels of organisational management that begins with how management practices performed by supervisor and how they conduct businesses in retaining the growth of organisation. It depend upon various organisation practices and how they perform in real time ad then what are the perceptions that organisational benefits comes upon on term of well being of workers and comparison of their perception.

All of these in term of output of affective commitment that provide absolute measurement of real-time data in providing effective management practices. All of these does provide effective management in terms of situation and in providing real-time data and augmentation of organisation in providing proper growth of organisation and employees.


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