premature sad demise of our beloved, learned faculty of human resources

Highly Respected, honorable sir, Every time I get a letter from you sir, I get nostalgic harking back to my school days when I had nothing but to dream of having a glimpse of you, sir without ever dreaming of any outright possibility of becoming a student of my dream professor, sir who will be giving me light and direction.

Now, it is a fact and the dream has come true and may be in a near future I shall be privileged to have your keep-sake blessings by touching your feet, sir. Sir, I think what I have achieved are just a few pebbles from the sea-beach of knowledge and ideas of your inspirational jottings and I am confident of getting more and more of such wonderful stuffs from you, sir in the coming days when I shall be personally interacting with you, sir. It appears to me as a fantasy that a rare genius of your caliber, sir has praised a learner like me, sir.

I dedicate all my credits, acclaims and accolades, sir to my parents, my brother and to your inspirational imprint left on me, sir. In fact, my parents are very happy at the sight of your great letter, sir and they have prayed for your active and ebullient life, sir. Incidentally, you also happen to be the role model of my parents from their college days and they have successfully framed many marketing strategies based on your books, sir as they have been telling me umpteen number of times.

I am very much shocked at the news of the premature sad demise of our beloved, learned faculty of human resources who had millions of kilometers to cover, but could not as the cruel destiny had its last laugh and the almighty, perhaps, filled up his vacancy by a person of his ability who gained a natural selection in his kingdom standing out in the selection process. May his soul rest in peace and may his thought processes guide us all . Also, I express my sincerest word of condolence for his bereaved family members and friends in this hour deep and devouring tragedy. Respectfully, 20th August 2009


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