Protect Yourself against Computer Viruses

Investigate the location of email you are receiving and perceived to be wrong and unwanted. and unknown sources, be careful and do not click through and also check it or…

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Things to watch out for with social networking…

Cyber-criminals are running a plasmas of threats at social-networking environment, so much so that one wrong move from the user ,they will be getting all the informations with sophisticated techniques…

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Recording Using Audacity

Startup Audacity, and the first thing youshould do is head to Edit >Preferences, or pres[Ctrl]+[P],and under the AudioI/O tab, make sure your sound card is selected as the source for…

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Recording Digital Audio

Use headphones instead of speakers. This is because, with the default settings,anything you input into the PC is output through the speakers. So if you speak into a microphone, unlessyou…

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Secure your system completely

How to avoid your PC from being getting affected with malware ,viruses , trojans,keyloggers and other nasties taking control of your PC ? Prevention is better than medication , in…

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