Outrageous Minimization:Is French Parliament is entitled to position itself as a court tribunal of world history?

Is French Parliament is entitled to position itself as a court tribunal of world history? The bill has passed the lower house of parliament, now it is with Senate. The bill will consider those terrible events known as genocide in the past history as crime under the law! Should French Parliament entitled to set itself up as tribunal on world history? The answer is no. The French Parliament should not pass this bill and this bill should not see the light of the day. The bill will prosecute the persons who are behind the genocides as well as for the “outrageous minimization” of genocide.

Is their a correlation among all these developments?

For example in the Armenian genocide of 1915, Turkish estimates of the Armenian dead run is 5, 00,000 and Armenian estimates at 1.5 million. According to this myopic bill in the French Parliament “outrageous minimization” is a crime under this law. This bill emphasizes a fine of 45,000 euro and up to years of imprisonment. So, should Turkish Prime Minister be arrested for such minimization, on his next official visit to France?

Is their a correlation among all these developments?

There are about half a million of voters of Armenian origin in France. As France national election is approaching and the sheer number of Armenian voters count and give balance to the election results. Armenian origin voter’s numbers are significant and cannot be denied by any French national parties. The genocide of Armenian people at Turkey is always an emotive issue for Armenian origins of France. By raking this issue, on the foot hills of the election politicians are thinking that they can exploit the emotions of Armenian people. Just before the Presidential election and Parliamentary election in December 2001 , what happened to Armenians in 1915 at Turkey was recognized as genocide under French law and now before the elections this myopic law is set to be passed in the France Parliament. History is repeating itself in this bill.

What had happened to the grave tragedy of genocide of Armenians in 1915 should be subject to free historical debate. Now it is turning into an instrument of political manipulation. Politics is entering into this great commemoration and ruining this great tragedy of the past from free historical debate. The myopic of what is state obtained truth in France is state ordained falsehood in Turkey. Now politicians of here are exploiting these emotive symbols in many ways. The internet is allowing these forbidden truths of yesteryear’s in so many ways. People are able to find and make their views in fearless ways. The challenge for free expression and its expansion is always severed by trespassed laws ad regulations. The most significant part is that who should set the law and bell the cat?

We the French, the Americans, or the whole world whom will bell the cat? The no taboos principles needs to be tested and diagnosed. The French bill of genocide may be opportunistic, politic or no brainer? This may be the second example of the exploitation in the defense of intellectual freedom after US Congress’s proposed Stop On line Piracy Act, which can have a disastrous chilling effect on the free on line analysis of wit and intellectual.

This article was written in the perspective of March 2021


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