Optimize Your WordPress Website Using These Simple Tips

WordPress is a popular blogging platform. It works with database, hosting and domain management system. Sometimes it can be slower than all the three elements of the WordPress website should work in a singular and perpendicular way. That is why sometimes it becomes slower and for this WordPress optimization needs to be done.

Premium DNS:

It comes up with built in DDoS. So, it provides more security and prevent bad bots from attacking yours website and speeds up website loading. It provides more and more uptime and in this way site visibility stays on the internet for a longer time. It works like content delivery network. It loads website from different geo-locations from all around the world.

So when a user browse yours website from Europe or from US or elsewhere from around the world, it loads yours website, faster. It provides enterprise-grade security for yours website. It makes yours website live all the time.

Premium DNS provides built-in security. It offers better site resolution. It stops and prevent bad redirection. It is better than normal DNS. It comes with cheaper prices. It is cheaper than content management system.

Web accelerator through cPanel:

Many hosts provide web accelerator services. It provides website caching services. It provides server-side caching. It provides three to five times faster website loading times.

Optimise through cPanel:

It speeds-up website load times on web browser. It tweaks Apache requests to load the website faster. It compress website contents. It can compress all the content, or can com press specified MIME such as text/html text/plain text/xml files of website. It employs mod_deflate function to work website in such way.

Hotlink Protection from cPanel:

Hotlink prevents linking of images of yours website to different social networking website while sharing the link of website. What it makes is that these social networking websites takes a chunk of hosting and thus when real user browse yours website then hosting limit of yours website reached it peak and unable to load on user website and this means the aim of creation of website is not meted out certainly.

Hotlinking comes up with <img> tag. Hotlinking saves precious bandwidth of yours website and provides it to real-time visitors when they browse yours website and yours website regions live all the time in internet.

Use free Cloudinary external image hosting services:

Cloudinary is available for free. It is a content delivery network for images and videos. It provides cloud-based faster loading times of images and videos. The User can use image upload links of cloudnary server to load images faster. It comes up with free options as well as pricing options. Most of the webmasters can work with its free service.

For Word Press users it has an official plugin and through its API access you can upload automatically all of yours images stored inside hosting server automatically uploaded to cloudinary and then its exisiting images are replaced by cloudinary links whic h loads images faster and reduce page loading times to a considerable extent.


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