Last Updated on May 24, 2022 by freewarespace
I got VIPRE® Antivirus Premium v.4.0 through this promotion on the first week of March 2010, about it I have written the detailed review, see here, also I have written and blogged about how I uninstalled VIPRE® Antivirus
Premium v.4.0. I will talk about “Managing Advertisement Blocking” with VIPRE® Antivirus Premium v.4.0.managing advertising blocking with vipre VIPRE Premium’s Advertisement Blocking uses a list of malicious ad sites and text strings contained in the site addresses compiled by SunbeltLabs.
It will show as Defs You can add, edit, or delete a user-defined Domain/URL, and block/unblock an advertisement Domain/URL. Domain/URLs that are unblocked (disabled) will essentially override the “Block 3rd party advertisements” setting. It will show you as User.
To add, edit, or delete a user-defined Domain/URL: Navigate to the Web Filter Settings screen. (File>Settings>Firewall tab>Web Filter Settings button) Select the Block 3rd party advertisements check box, and then click Change. The Advertisement blocking by URL dialogue box displays. To add an advertisement filter, click Add.
The Add an Advertisement filter dialogue box displays. -or- To edit a user-defined advertisement filter, select a row in the table and click Edit. The Modify an Advertisement filter dialogue box displays. -or- To delete a user-defined advertisement filter, select a row in the table and click Delete.
The item is removed immediately. Click OK to close. Select one of the following options: Sub-string: Looks for a match of the string you enter anywhere within a URL (i.e. adserver009). Wildcard: Allows for “?” and ““ to match any character in the URL (i.e. [][.]sunbeltsoftware[.]com).
Regular expression: This is to be used by experts who are familiar with the regular expression syntax (i.e. adtrack\d*). Enter a URL or Web page expression that reflects the selection you made in Step 4. Click OK to add the URL or Web page to the Advertisement blocking by URL dialogue box. On the Firewall Settings screen, verify that Enable Web Filtering is selected. To block/unblock an advertisement Domain/URL:
It is very easy. Navigate to the Web Filter Settings screen. (File>Settings>Firewall tab>Web Filter Settings button) Select the Block 3rd party advertisements check box, and then click Change. The Advertisement blocking by URL dialogue box displays. Navigate to the desired item in the list, and then select to Enable or unselect to Disable. Click OK to save changes and close the dialogue box.
On the Firewall Settings screen, verify that Enable Web Filtering is selected About VIPRE® Antivirus Premium v.4.0: VIPRE (Virus Intrusion Protection Remediation Engine) is uniquely designed to reduce computer frustration with its low system resource usage, faster boot times, few popups, and a broad range of detection and remediation of viruses, trojans, worms, and spyware.
The VIPRE Firewall provides bi-directional protection, protecting you from both incoming and outgoing traffic. It can be run in either “Simple” or “Learning” modes. Simple for the basic user running mostly behind the scenes; and Learning for a more experienced user with frequent user interaction. From either mode, you can further customize your Firewall settings.
Sources & References:
[1] https[:][//]docs[.]oracle[.]com[/]cd[/]E15523_01[/]web[.]1111[/]b31974[/]web_tables_forms[.]htm
[2] https[:][//]support[.]office[.]com[/]en-ie[/]article[/]filter-data-in-a-range-or-table-01832226–31b5–4568–8806–38c37dcc180e
[3] https[:][//]helpx[.]adobe[.]com[/]indesign[/]using[/]selecting-editing-tables[.]html
Originally published at on October 22, 2018.