Apparently, all three terms appear to be belonging to one group, emanating from the same source and converging into the same wholesomeness of a particular individual articulating his own identity.

Literally, “I” is pronoun used in case of the first person singular number in which a speaker uses it to refer to himself or herself.

“Me”, on the other hand, is also a pronoun used as the objective case of “I”. “Me” should not be confused with “ME” which is the abbreviation of “Myalgic Encephalomyelitis” – a disease associated with prolonged flu or illness.

So, both “I” and “Me” are pronouns with subjective and objective connotations respectively, notwithstanding each one complimenting the other in the closest possible manner.

“Myself” is another pronoun belonging to the same group as the previous two. It is a via media between the two and literally corresponding to “I” and “Me”.

When I speak of “I” discovering “Me” in ”Myself”, my nature and character get revealed and exposed to me in a very positive manner, generally extremely pressing and impressive. One cannot judge how much handsome or ugly he is, but can fathom one’s personality peeping into one’s own self, scanning and modulating it to his own liking. One becomes too much ego-centric, if one concentrates on “I” only and not on “Me” and “Myself” as scope of correction narrows down to “I” which no one else would like.”i” develops my individuality and improves my confidence, while “Me” and “Myself” rectify and purify me beyond self-concentration and self-assertion.

Now-a-days, we live in the world for the love of others, restraining ourselves to the vagaries of our own personality and performance. “I”, “Me” and “Myself” have less meaning compared to “He”, “His” and “Himself” or “She”, “Her” and “Herself”. The less often these words are used, the better. “I” cannot be oblivious to “Me” and “Myself”, both of whom discount my formula of self-esteem and self-exaltation. Hence, the time for “I” now is to rediscover “Me” in “Myself”.


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