How to run the android emulator inside android studio

Android user guide: Now, after starting out the project, and running of Gradle successfully which means that the project built so far has been comprehensively saved so that in the case you close this and start it

again tomorrow that should be available from the point you leave out the project. In the extreme right of the android studio, you have project explorer tab where the entire relational pieces of information regarding projects can be found easily.

Here every component is hiding inside the app and here you can find manifests and so many other folders. AndroidManifest.xml contains manifests folder. Inside the java folder, under app, you could easily write the java code out there.

Then we have resources (res) folder where we can insert image and other media into apps.

On the extreme downside of the android studio and on its left-hand side you keep an eye on the progress bar which provides information regarding the building of the project.

Gradle and running of background processes and this is very important and meaningful considering the presence of running of background processes.

You can slow down the speed of developing the project and wait for the background process to stop so that each and every part of the running of the process can be at a very comfortable level.

Once the movement of the progress bar is complete you can begin editing the project. Once progress bar stops moving which means progress completely loaded with android studio and from here you can start building the project.

After studying about two sessions and this session is all about running Android apps inside android emulator so that we can preview exactly what the app is all about and what the pros and cons of it.

We cannot directly run the code or the project with the emulator. Before it, we have to check the compatibility issues with it and then run the project with the emulator.

The first part we have to check out is that whether android software development kit (SDK) and Java development kit (JDK) are in the proper path inside project structure.

If you have installed android studio complete bundle which is almost 2GB for Windows 7 and beyond then probably both SDK and JDK have installed in the correct path.

It is better to check this out and for this, you have to reach out to ‘Project Structure’ (Ctrl+Alt+Shift+S) or you can go to ‘File’ and then to ‘Project Structure’.

In this, you can see the directory of Android SDK location. These locations will be used for new projects and for existing projects.

As we have downloaded the comprehensive android studio, here java development kit is embedded with it and its location is automatically compatible with Android SDK.

In order to run the emulator, you will have to install the ‘Intel emulator Accelerator package’ inside the android studio. It is the process where the virtual Android smartphone should run with it.

During the process of android studio installation, there are chances that you might have to install it. So first we should check this out with ‘SDK manager’ where the listing of all downloadable software packages can be seen.

Inside ‘SDK MANAGER’ we have the list of all the android packages we need from time to time while developing the Android app. Android Studio provides the most compatible environment for us so that we could write the code of Android easily.

For the creation of the application, we do need many packages in term of software development kit so that we could construct android apps. From SDK MANAGER we could find each and every software information and their update formats and from time to time Google asks for the update and you could add more and more software packages in accordance with your need for app development.

Each Android SDK Platform package includes the Android platform and sources pertaining to an API level by default. Once installed Android Studio will automatically check for updates. Check ‘show package details’ to display individual components.

Go to ‘SDK Tools’ and check ‘show package details’ to display individual components. Here search for ‘Intel x86 Emulator Accelerator (HAXM installer)’ and if the checkbox is filled.

Then it means it had been installed already and if not, connect to the internet and then check that box and click ‘OK and the android studio will automatically download ‘Intel x86 Emulator Accelerator (HAXM installer)’.

This emulator will not be going to work unless your computer has hardware acceleration enabled. If it is not then this emulator will not going to work.

In order to do this, you have to enter into BIOS settings of computer and this should be done by experts or geeks and for this, you can contact your computer maintenance manager for this.

It is advisable not to enter into BIOS settings all by yourself and it is advisable to contact computer adviser of yours so that they can enable hardware accelerator.

This process of enabling of hardware accelerator of the computer is not essential but if so then accelerator can run with the faster process if not the emulator will take some time to load.

It is also important to know that installing emulator also not mandatory but this can reduce the worry of checking of error upfront without worry about running on actual devices.

Till this time we had learnt about how to set the android emulator so that we can easily see the execution of app we have just made in real time.

This apparently removes all such worries about any of incompatible issues pertaining to android. In the later on studies, we will learn about how to install the emulator and adjust it to show about the device as well as in the case of your computer has not intel processor instead of AMD processor then how to enable such emulator function.

For this another package needs to be installed with android studio and everything will be discussed in the next chapters. Android Studio is specifically designed for non-geeks so that they could enter into the arena of coding and find out how easier to develop an android app.

Slowly we will be learning about different characteristics and elements of the android studio before venturing into the opening of the creation of application so that ultimately we could feel easier to work with it having no difficulty in building an app with it.

It is important to have some sort of basic ideas about the building of java coding and in the subsequent process of learning, we will also have some detailed look how to run and use the android emulator in non-intel processor devices.

We will also have some look at java codings so that ultimately when we do use with the android studio that process should be completely easier for us to learn.

Originally published at on October 11, 2017.


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