How To Install Perfect Version Of GCam (Google Camera) On Yours Android Mobile Phone

I fond of Google’s android products. There is no advertisements and all the products are fully optimised in acrdance with the devices and its versions irrespective of original eyipmnt manufacturer they belongs. Google camera from hence G Cam does provide easy way to take pictures on yours phone and it provides some additional features such as:

High Definition recording
Video Stabilisation
Night sight
Portait Mode

It brings out google Pixel phone’s latest features to any android phone. The caveat is that hardware should also provides dependence on some features and if yours android hone has not tht hardware then you will not getting these features for sure but some of the basic features you could find with google camera which are far better than other cameras and it comes for free and with no advertisements at all.

The most prominent part is that it records high resolution with smaller space and as youtubers you will definitely find it more helpful for sure. Another good feature is image stabilisation while video recording and this feature not dependent upon immediate hardware requirement and this means even if yours default phone’s camera does ot provide the convenience of video stabilisation but for sure you can do it with the help of G Cam.

Check compatibility of Gcam on yours android phone:

Google Camera uses Camera 2 API and it needs to be enabled on yours android phone. First you need to check which camera 2 api is in yours android phone and yours phone’s android version must be similar or greater than android 7. For this download “camera2 API Probe” app from android play store and installed it n yours device and then run the probe and in the probe result you will find that if it says that in the segment as belows:

Camera2 API
Hardware support level
This means that Camera3 Api is installed on yours phone and Gcam is going to be installed and worked on yours device for sure.

How to install and perfect version of GCam (Google Camera) on yours android mobile phone
After checking prerequisites of Google Camera on yours android device now it is time to look out for which version of is Gcam is better for you and there is an easy way out though you will not find G Cam on play store but still there is one alternate app there where you can find that which version of G Cam is perfect and that app do provides download link of that version on yours phone which is very easier to install.

The name of the app is “GCamator” and install it. As you can download it from Play store and this means Google verified this software for sure. Install this app and then run it to provide information about which version of Gcam can be used. In my Redmi 7A phone it shows:

Camera2Api module is enabled on your device
Click on the dropdown of yours phone’s name.
It showed on my device as GCam 4.,1 android it says android 9.0
In the below there is link to ‘Start Download’ and it will then download and install absolutely correct version of GCam on yours device.


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