Last Updated on June 8, 2022 by freewarespace
Let us face it on line privacy is difficult to attain. It is easier for tech savvy but most difficult for normal users. Internet is a vast filed of unknown and known persons and there are numerous attempts on yours online privacy. Stumbling and goggling through internet can reach and teach us some points but most of the points are well known and most of the times we have been using it.
The complicated privacy setting is not the way out for us. Some times we do not have the time to learn how these settings work, in the following write ups we will be learning how to get online privacy for you from one web browser to the other.
Online privacy
Web browsers normally block some online trackers like flash and other tracking but ninety nine percentages of tracking is left open and yours privacy setting is at the bay and in the mercy of wicked. The reality is that all the major browsers like IE, Firefox, Safari and Chrome offers built in privacy protection but most of the users are not aware of it and surprisingly those features are not enabled by the browsers by default.
People who think seriously about their identity, anonymity and data should care about this and should take care of their online privacy. For maximum online privacy you need to know the private mode of the browsers and blocking targeted advertising. For optimum online privacy you need both.
Enabling Privacy mode
Most browsers offers privacy mode with different names, here most of the activities is not stored on yours computer. Cookies are automatically deleted and yours browsing history, passwords, auto fills, searches and downloads is not saved on yours computer. There are several limitations to it.
· They do not hide of alter yours IP address yours ISP can identify you.
· They do not prevent ad networks, websites and advertisers to prevent yours browsing information.
· They do not stop key loggers and surveillance
Private browsing mode doesn’t let you browse privately; it just stops others you know from snooping in your computer. as every site you visit it tracks you , they put tracking cookies on yours PC, Most sites you visit send your info to third parties like advertising networks.
Blocking targeted advertising:
Tracking is the learning of advertisers, website owners and other ad networks about yours web browsing behavior. Information about what sites you visit and for how long, things you like, dislike, comment on, search for, and purchase. Then they market yours information to various ad networks.
There are some ways to stop this web Brower behavior but he browsers can do with a feature called Do Not Track header. When you visit a website, your browser waves around a little flag–the Do Not Track header–as soon as it arrives. That flag tells the website, its advertisers, and other content providers that you don’t want to be tracked.
You can see the anonymous ads but most of the times the common ads will not show you up. The measure problem is most of the ad networks yet to respond to the do not track facility. Associated Press the adopter of this policy says only few hours needed for the hardware engineers to implement this facility.
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