How to generate a strong and powerful Privacy Policy for absolutely free for WordPress Website, facebook app or android app through Termly

Privacy policy is important for website. If yours website offers user accounts, adsense for monetization and other privacy related issues then you need to have good privacy policy documents so that you will not be bothered  about any legal issues and difficulties. Due to

Search Termly in Google or go directly to and there go for sign up nd you will have three ways to sign up or if you have already have account then you can use yours email and password or through Gmail login or through Facebook login. There are three ways you can register yours website such as  sign in with Google. Sign in with Facebook or sign in with email. Termly provides one website to use free privacy policy and all the other policy generates for yours website.

After registration click on new website, and it will ask for Name of website and then in site URL provide yours website URL for which you want to create privacy policy for yours website or app. Then click save the green button and then it will go to next page where you will put business information.

Then provide email, then phone and fax no. and then address and then country, province, postal or zip code and then click on save.

Consent Management:

Then you will reach to consent management and their start the scan of yours website and then click on privacy policy and then click on new. Here you will reach to creating privacy policy by simply answering few questions. What will Privacy Policy be used for click on three option such as website, mobile application and facebook application.  I ticked on website and then it will ask for what is the URL address of website. Here write down full URL of  website. For example I wrote down address such as Then click on save and next.

In the next phase you will have English Preference for privacy policy such as American English or British English, I coose British English and then click save and next. In the next page you have User Location which means visitors who reach to yours website as it will ask for EU, UK, Switzerland, Iceland, Liechtenstrin, Canada and US and look at yours Google Analytics report and if visitors from these places reach to yours website then put yes on it. Then click save and next.

Next the question will be : Do you want your privacy policy to be California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) compliant? If you have adsense on yours website then tick Yes, I wish to be CCPA compliant. Then click on save and next. The next question will be: Can users create an account or register with your website or app? If yours website is from WordPress or from Wix or so. The next question will be: How would you like to instruct users to update or delete their accounts? It has two options.  As follows:

  1. Log in to your account settings and update your user account.
  2. Contact us using the contact information provided.

Choose yours answer and if you have wordpress powered website then choosing the first one is sufficient. Then click on save and next. The next question is about age of visitors. The next question is about ser directly provides you with this information. For example, a user may give you their name and email address when signing up for an account on your site. Choose one or more subject and then the next question is about whether you collect personal information. Personal information is about health data, financial data, biometyric and various data. If you tick on yes then provide informations or elese if you are not receiving these information then select no from there.

The next querry is about personal information fron social media, this means that Can users register for your website or app using Facebook, Google, or other social media accounts? Next is collecting personal information through derivative data such as Google Analytics or other third party analytics services. Next  querry is about collecting Personal Information from Other Sources. On legal basis Do you use personal information to provide your Services or fulfill contractual obligations with your users?

Next querry is about acceptance of online payments. The next querry iis whether user can providecomments, articles, photos, audio, videos, user profile images, etc  Then the next querry is whether your website contain advertisement and if yours website has advertisements such as adsense or then click yes on it. The next query is about How long will you keep the information that you’ve collected from your users?  Then the next question about tracking technologies such as the way to use cookies or beaconsa or else google maps or both.

Next query will be about California Customer Records Personal Information. Then it will ask about whether you have an European Economic Area (EEA) and/or a UK representative? Then it will ask you about yours  Version date of effective date for this privacy policy. Then, click on publish. Then it will show privacy policy preview and its upper right hand corner click on Add to website.  It will provide HTML formats and copy those HTML codes. Copy the HTML format to clipbord.

If you have wordpress website then login to wordpress admin and then create a page and then  on the new page go to Cltr+Shift+Alt+M and you will reach to Code Editor and paste the HTMPL code you copied from Termly. And then publish it. Before it do rename the page to Privacy Policy. If you have website powered by Wix then go to dashboard and editor and then create a page and then add code and then paste all HTML codes.


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