How to Disconnect Yourself from Electronics

We are living in the world of electronics and electricity. Now, each and every work mostly depends upon electronics and electricity. This article is an experimentation about how to create an environment sans electronics and let us try to create one and see if we are at all successful in this or not kindly provide feedback in comment segments.

First try to remove technology from cooking:

So we have to go to wood logs and a manual stove that should be built with mud and clay. Here, in order to start the mud stove we need kerosene and match boxes but these are included in technology so we have to create fire by stroking two stones so that the fire comes up and then we can lit the woods that are placed inside the mud stove.

Here we cannot use stainless steel and for this we can use mud plates and for this we have to overhaul the entire dish segment as most of it are made of brass and steels. Then, it is difficult to put fire on wood that are placed inside a wood stove and for this we have to do extreme hard work by placing faster from one stone into another. Just think about how difficult it is to start the stove without even a match box  or lighter.

Now, the tools used to cook foods are wooden ones and in this age of technology and electronics where do we find wooden utilities for cooking. SImply are we moving out of manual utilities. First and foremost we need to practice all of this and then for this we need at least six months of practice to master the art of bringing out fire from stones and then put that fire to woods without any difficulties and then prepare fooding with mud bowls and wooden utilities.

Second to try to remove electronics from Traveling:

When we travel we need to use either airplanes, railways, motor vehicles for longer distance.:We are considering that all the world is closing into one single entities and from one direction to that of the other we can go beyond velocities with the advent of space crafts and super sonic flying machines and we are developing this more and more in the coming future. 

When we go without all of these electronics than for sure we move to walking or even going with bullock cart or with horses and so on. With all of these we can move utmost distances and the world will be like a vast place, not the conscised one which we already thought of by using electronics. It is for sure we are going to be disconnected from others such as we cannot use social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp and so on other networks.

Life will be restricted to one place and it will be difficult to get information of near and dear ones as in the world without internet and electronics, and this means the presence  of mobile and other relevant communications mediums have no place for the time being when we talk about the world around us without such essential communication mediums which we talk about for the time being.

We cannot contact a persons beyond certain levels and within seconds we cannot contact relatives staying at far away from home and this makes life is different. We will be backwards for many centuries and even many such incidents such as medical and other treatment we will have to complete rely upon ancient medical practices. Due to lack of electronics and internet the transportation of goods and services will be very difficult to manage here with.

Some positive sides of not using electronics and internet:

One benefit is that there will be not cutting of trees and woods and the jungle environment will be on increase. There will not be environmental destruction as we ought to find from time to time as there would be no industries and there will not be negative side effects of running industries inside the environment. We will definitely increase to safeguard the environment and we will be debarred from any wrongdoings of the environment as it will be stronger and mighties due to no radiation emitted from electronics equipment not using. 

There are many positives as well as negatives attached with not using of any electronics at any cost but still we lack many things and even we will not be connected with near and dear ones who are staying far away from all of us and that is why it is important to understand whether to deny use of electronics or not. Our privacy will be well protected when we are not using any electronics and internet and social networking practices. On the other hand it will be difficult to search find any near and dear ones.

In today’s time, we cannot live in a single second without data, information, connectivity, internet but still when we think of it then to try it one should go ro stay at Himalayas for some days to see how these lack of connectivity happens. This means when you are staying alone, isolated and dows not need any information and other relevant data then one can stay alone but single fact about it is that humans are social animals and they cannot stay alone.

*This article first written on June 2017 and completely rewritten again on August 8th 2022*


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