Genuine Beauty

It is always have the very much ambitions to have a good and sound mind and the body and how all these to be accomplished there does are many sources and many advices you can get from time to time, but the real realizations of ideas can be from the very real one who has experienced all these in life. The real life time and the way our life should have undergone way too forward and with the advancement of modern and simulate life style and many times it just feel that we are fast becoming some sort of junks with it and it does feel from time to time that the ghosts just walk among us and e are not as we are and it is the sheer of personality change that is undergoing fast enough not for our what so ever intricate mind and heart. It does affect our mind and the thought process and every thing from head to toe to ours central nervous system and it is making many a times our mind so slow that we even restricted our thought process to a possible greater limitations and these are not just the way to go.

Some times we tend to go out with not so fit body for genuine beauty and mind and it does have many reflections with regard to emotional factors and it is not good with it. This is more of a specific towards girls as the case may be you can find out with due course of time the health and the external appearances does matter and if due to some modern eating habits and with junk foods and other related contents which tends to make more fat and that is not good for girls as almost all of them want to look perfect nothing more and nothing less from it. To day girl want to wear different modern dresses and so much so that it is always fascinating to wear something choosy and for it one must have a decent and good health so that each and every hosiery would be stay fit so that one cannot feel at any stage to be let down and for this a perfect exercise and also consciousness of diets is necessary.

There are also several many short cuts methods and you could be seeing all these inside of television commercials and in those advertisements though it is been written as the paid commercial advertisements but what it is more appalling and bad is that despite very bad effects and many a times due to these short cut to health and good looking those are the really dangerous to the wildest of imagination it is also true that these commercials has also been endorsed by many big celebrities and why they are endorsing despite knowing that these will have very bad effects on girls who will believe it and use it.

It has become some sort of trends which I have seen most of the celebrities which has just been out of their prime and struggle to find it out for their living or desperately wants to be on the limelight are trying to advertisement this type of products and this is here the ethics parts come to life. That is why it is imperative for them to understand as most of innocent minds always looked up to them as knowledgeable and they should not be advertising these products. With the lure of stars in seeing promoting this type of instant slim product it is fast becoming really unnatural for them to be on that side and it has been some sort of painful for the people who are dealing with them. The single most not so good effect of a bad physical not so controllable phenomenon is that of the facial value and genuine beauty.

As the girls we know the real important part of ours is the face and how to make it more beautiful is always in our thought and for this we tend to go for various ways and for this each girl has it own recipe and try to apply it on face so as to make it more towards the glow and it is the sheer imagination of the others that make us happy and for this many facts of life and research and study has to be done so that then the most adequate part of the facial we tend to get it and then go on with it. This is like choosing the perfect and it is also one of the feeling of perfect match and the good so that after that it continues that way and become part and parcel of girl’s life. If you want to make it more and more visible and tend to more to wards the practical aspect of life then you must go for good health so that it will be reflecting upon your facial value.

If you have good health and also fit body then it will reflect upon your facial value and for this you have to be good at exercise and sufficient good amount of morning walk should be the order of the day. What I try to talk it about is the real beauty and that cannot be obtained through all the facials may be those are that of naturals or from high nana cultured ointments an creams but all these must be in some of the variations and to get the real and fantastic beauty you just not have to go any where else, It should be about life and it must be about life and the realness and in order to find the real beauty, you have to be good at food and also water and you will have to deny yourself all the enticing parties and other bad drinks and you will have to sleep for eight hours so that your body will get adequate sleep and the rest and your mind also feel safe and take rest and all these can enhance your beauties. It is not the rocket science or it is not about any difficult part, it is about the way of life and in which way you will be better at.

Then your face will be looking like that can be compared with that of the beauty of Mars and the red planet, just think about this phenomenon and which manner you will be getting into it. The smartness of thoughts and other parameters must be in control with you. This is all about carrying yourself and how you can be comfortable with others so that while any sort of conversation you will never feel that the other persons will not be convinced and that is why the real difficult part starts with. This means as we girl tend always to be talk or in conversation with always be happy when we do feel that others get the happiness and the smile with our beauty and that is the real parameters which has been with us for years and has been the secrets of girls. This has been the real reason that has been giving us the pleasure though many a times all these has been spontaneous.

All these have been simple yet some sort of complicated and many times some ought for zero size but these are not good actually. We always think about consciously many a times to create the curves as do with girls like us as it can give us the real feminine beauty but is it to go for consciously or to develop it naturally with sufficiently according to nature practice, I think the later part is good , one should never go for short cut for slimming and should go for natural and the moist natural is not dieting or not for over food it is for regular exercise and decent and healthy life style to attain and maintain and that is why it not the easiest way to attain the genuine beauty , it should be the regular and well perceived way to get it.


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