Everyone Wants to enjoy success

Last Updated on May 18, 2022 by freewarespace

During my graduation dys in managemet career one of professor who used to taught us out of course curricullum used to provide some rarely used information and from day to day of life where the prominence of organisational behaviourand etiquettes inside organisation come up front to taught us how to face day to day challenges as and when it comes to life.

In this process he also said to us to see some movies which provides inspirational characters to real-time inspiration and advised us to watch those movies during weekends and learn from it and them decribe us what are the main motivations we learn from this. This article is dedicated to these superb thoughts where from the movies I have learnt many course ideas and able to learn all of those in complete and minute detail.

The first movie I saw was that of ‘Patch Adams’ and in the movie he is popularly known as patchy adams and the movies is full of comic senses and the question to the normal course of events , where the practice of doctor means more that what generally perceived as and as and when the friendship with patients makes the most memorable relations ships with their patients.

I must think the movie ‘Munna Bhai MBBS’ must have been infleunced severly from the movie, ‘Patch Adams’. In the movie patch adams the main protagonist always takes the alternative route to impress and treat patients and make friendship with them and delighted them and even serious patieints finds easier to live their difficult and painful life in these processes.

However the system of normal medicine practices are against this. System see doctors as demi God and they must have some distance from their patients and they must not be familiar and congenial to them as they should be serious in treating them. This movie goes on to see how the laughter therapy and friendships with doctors, make the patieints , feel at ease and the process of recuperation or even pain decreases andthey grow faster.

Another movie my bleloved professor recommended during my management days is that of ‘The Rainmaker’ and the lead actor in that series is matt Demon. These were during his early movie career and this is about how lawyers should treat their clients. It is one of most reverred and well acted movie where the protagonist Matt Demon live with the life of their clients and so clolsely and stop the wrong work by a polular insurance company, where, the wrong doings were exposed but still involved with their life.

How the system of practising with law firms and lawyers where the team of lawyers are engaged with not learning from firms but in getting how many cases to bring to the firms and take the commission from these cases in that process. For this, they used to reach to hospitals and contact with patients who have accidents and then try to prersuade them to fight for their cases in bringing them some money.

All of these are on one side but one the other side how the protagonist in this movies used to fight against injustice and staying closer to their clients in order to make them feel secure and nice in these processes. How a lawyer should be and how his activities should be in coherence with clients staying their and how they should show their respect to client so that money should not be ever their difficulties in the way forward in fighting cases for them.

In the process we saw one lady client mercilessly beaten by her husband, and another client who is fighting leukomia but the health insurance company failed to give the money and in the process failed to do the high cost treatment and then he died and at his funeral the protagonist came us with the potrait of the person who died and gave to his father and that show case how a good lawyer must have been in this profession.

In these two movies where one deals with how a doctor should have been to their profession and to patients and in the other one how a lawyer should have been while dealing with their clients makes us to understand how both of these professions should have been in the run up to their practices and this change must come through and must come to rectify how these professions should be in order to have great rapport among themselve and the patients and clients.

Originally published at https://mohanmekap.com on July 8, 2019.


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