Last Updated on July 6, 2022 by freewarespace
Winds are slowly moving here and there as if making some noise and try to convince the weather of their presence which is inevitable and permanent. Wind is life and that is why. Our planet is unique in this phenomenon. The motions of the past were revolving nice before. The time of life has been great for her. At the moment she is thinking about present and the waiting part is almost over and for this there is no such anticipation and where she can find the lotus in her hands. Her friend would be returning to him after two years of separation. She would like to be there for him always with a smile within her lips and that abounds the whole set of ideas and permanent philosophy that care for her in times of rainy days. She is there for him and with it she flashes back to past, of a long drawn relationships that have been there for him always.
She looks outside to see the clouds hovering here and there, with it the motion drift of it is slowly making it more and more of a rare possibility. She is in bed with the presentation he had given to her when he went abroad and now he is reaching to her. There are many aspirations that have been included within her and that needs to be conversed with him. She is holding his gift and closes her eyes and thinking about him and depicting the flowers of dreams for him to make the reality. She opens her eyes and merely to see the television set there and she looks at it with a deep sense of feeling and remembering the days when they first meet each other. All have been never ending relationships and it is still continuing. In between there was two years of separation from among them, but anything cannot separate her from him.
She is holding her hopes and aspirations high to the tune of various anticipations and ideas. She thinks of his favorite dresses, which give her the pleasure to wear and the ideas that has been there further makes her the most delightful and fun life she had ever thought of. The door is in ajar position and she get up from the bed and stand there on one side thinking about him deeply as she feels that each and every moment she has been living here dedicates to him and for him she is able to live as he is like the life for her. She smiles at her and looks down in shame as she goes ahead and sat on the armchair to watch the garden. Sun is shining, and the ray of it making the entire garden inside boundary abundant with fresh air. She looks at the garden thoroughly as he has told her to maintain it as if the garden signifies the presence of him, a true love that promises to keep on track to have the perfect balance in their relationships. She stays cute and gorgeous all the time for him and she smiles for him and she stays in the dream for him.
While living abroad she had the promise of him to return in time and they planned to marry in the future. In the mean time the audacious wind has taken the speed and it continues to be and slowly the entire atmosphere is shrouded with many clouds and removing the brightest sun which is currently amidst clouds. She knows how she feels inside within two years without him as each day seems to be the longest that the previous ones and for her life starts with him and ends with him and the brightest part is that all through these two years he had been with her in her dreams and in her mind. She is so engaged with him in thoughts even in his absence she could not sense the void in these years. She wears, his favorite dress, the jeans and the tee shirt, though she is not as comfortable with this apparels but she wears for him as it gives him real pleasure to watch her.
In this manner she forgets all her favorite possessions for him, but there is no regret to this, she wants to live with him. She is waiting for him and she cannot imagine how he could feel to see her and what had changes to her within these two years. She is more or less nervous and happy. In the mean time, horn blows from outside road, nearer to boundary and it is the similar horn, that she has been used to and for this she is now pretty sure that, he is reaching to her and he is coming towards her and this is the moment she had been waiting for day in and day out for whole long years. She stood up and takes the armchair into the garage and then leisurely walking towards the front gate and asks the guard to open the car. A tide of excitement starting from her heart to the brain and towards the whole of limbs begins to associate with her in anticipation of him. Guard opens the gate and here enters the car , in which he and she both have many memories of long drives and some close moments and that is the signify of this and for this he had told her that , he would never let the car sold as it is the symbol of their love and attachment. Car stops, some foreign languages songs flowing from its windows, as she surprised as he had never been any inclination to foreign language songs except vernacular songs, nevertheless she feels that perhaps he had learned something new from abroad.
He comes out from his car, and with a simple smile he glances at her and she from the garden give him the big smile, and starts to walk towards him, in the mean time, he went round to car and reach at the opposite side to open the rear gate and from there within few seconds a bride comes out from there holding his hand and then walk slowly towards her and both give a smile to her, and enters into the bungalow to meet her parents. She knew, what has happened exactly, she is deserted and alone and now her life would be like a solitary sun inside the infinite sky. She ran into her room to close the doors and drop herself on the bed and began to cry like a child. She immediately realizes that everywhere there is darkness within this sunny morning. She is alone in this immense world for the rest of life. Her own perfect life is instantly shattered like a stone throws to bus glass shield and from now on the vision will be hazy and life becomes the liability. She is not the coward, as she would be living the life and for this, she removes his favorite dresses and she has decided that, she would be living a new life, from hence she would attain the miracle of success that can be envied by anybody in the world.