Google Fit Review

Android app Google Fit recently Google updated its user interface with some slick material designing. Google is providing the second generation of material

designing which provides the strong emphasis on visibility with white material designing. Now, bright colours inside, apps are past episodes. Cartoon and graphics element provides sometimes the most conflicting visuals, and that makes left out of the right colours and white background.

Now, when we see the treatment of colours such as white in material designing, in which everything comes in terms of completely visual effects but with it comes the presentations of clearer view on apps and what it meant to convey users.

Recently, Apple has introduced tremendous changes with rings which meant to convey actions on apps. It is all about rings, the colour of rings that will provide the direct indication of results.

Since the time immemorial we have seen, the importance of colours has been more significant, in comparison with the presence of languages.

As far as we have seen, Google Fit is slowly, introducing the ring concept and probably it will come in more colours in order to introduce positive and negative effects.

Now, we also experience the presence of heart points which comes in accordance with World Health Organisation, at least garnering 150 points in a week to strengthen the heart and thus it adds some of most important, statistics that make the new Google Fit app most significant.

In the revamped version of Google Fit app, the classic versions of the app which include steps count data and setting up goals, calories count and weight recording and everything comes into this revamped version of this Google Fit App.

If you have been using this app, then the new version of the app, somewhat provides the clear view but searching for deeper into settings does take some time but ultimately, one can find these after some practice.

If you have smartwatch which can connect with Google Fit of your Android devices, then it can read your heartbeats while jogging and walking.

The new version of Google Fit does not have widgets. From time to time, Google will evaluate, your activity which will suggest an increase or decrease of goals and you can set these to goals equally.

Samsung Health can track the speed of heartbeats by touching any fingerprint sensor inside the phone but with Google Fit one can only track heart rates, only wearing Smartwatch on the wrists. Google Fit tries to make the readings of Google Fit app, through the World Health Organisation in the tracking of moving minutes while working outs and then garnering heart points.

According to the World Health Organisation, garnering 150 points in a week, will lower the risk of heart disease, and probably the stroke. In a week if you run seven days a week then garnering 35 points in a day would lower the risk of heart disease and heart-stroke.

The new version of Google Fit mostly concentrated on heart points than the number of calories or other sorts of physical activities which mostly concentrated on garnering and developing heart points.

Mostly heart points concentrated on the number of physical activities, not normal activities. In this way, proper management of activities should reflect upon the number of heart activities one garner.

It is important to activate tracking of Google Fit through the plus sign so that absolutely correct mapping of activities would be recorded in this setup goal.

While working out you failed to initiate app to track your activities, by employing sensors of the phone to detect workouts The negativity of this automatic detection is that if your phone does not have good sensors, then automatically readings of tracking activities would not come absolutely correct readings.

Google Fit is the android app from Google and I have checked with Android Jelly Bean and it is now working and is not compatible, and I do hope in future this compatibility issues should be solved. It is definitely a physical activities app such as walking, jogging, bicycling and so on.

Originally published at on October 15, 2018.


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