Android Fundamentals: Systems and least priviledge

Android Studio is a free android development software from Google. As Android is from Google so making android app for Google Play Store with Android Studio is very easy and user-friendly. In this article we learn about how to install Android Studio and then after successful installation of Android Studio, then we will learn about how to create simple android project such as ‘Hello World’. Android is a mobile operating system. There are prebuilt concepts and ideas when we built an app with Android Studio. As the learner of it we should first learn about it and then move forward with it.

Unlike Apple operating system where each and every app made with it goes within single point of device known as Apple phones. Where Android there are numrous users and devices from original equipment manufacturers. With android operating system we have to make app for multiple devices as well as for multiple entry points which may be not so similar with one respect of phone of companies to that of the other. An activity in an android app is better known as its user interface. When the user tap any activity on the device it can go to notifications or can open the specific links or can update the app from Play Store. This means that one activity can have multiple level of work for the user.

With activity which means graphical user interface, users can tap anywhere on the GUI and can easily move to different entry points. There are some components such as broadcast receivers and services which does not need any activity to work but it can work without any activity. This is another form and factor which you might think to use while creating an android app with Android Studio.

Android Fundamentals:
Android apps can be writen on Kotlin, Java and C++ codes.SDK is Android’s software development kit and APK is an android app package which is zipped and comes up with .apk prefix and can only run at android operating systems.One APK file which comes up with .apk configurations comes up with all the components of an android app and can only be installed in an android enevironment.Each apk files have their own android sandbozing environment and comes up with security measures from Google.Android Operating system is a multi-user Linux based operating system.Here users means each app, and here each app is a different users.Android operating system provides each user/app an unique user id.Only system use those user id to login into app.

App does not have access to unique system id from android operating system.With the help of this assisgned user id by the system to app, its files gets permission to access the stystem other wise they canno access critical and normal system files.When assigned unique id of Linux system to app and its filles are only allowed to run and this is called as process.Each app runs in sandboxing element and each process of app that is when the files of app is allowed with unique liinux system id, runs inside virtual machines so that it will not hurt operating system core files at any point of time.In this way each processes runs in complete isolation from other app so there will no sign of confusion or wrong determined of codes at any point of time.Every android app has its own process and it runs in isolation from others.

These processes runs by android system and each process runs in separate with that of the others. Android system startsand shutdown each and every process in accordance with the need and demand from mobile users.Android system has its own memory management component which work in accordance with the demand of essential app and it can kill any app and its process if it finds that the need and use of that app on that time is not necessary.

Android system prefers principle of least priviledges for higher level of security:

Each app can only have right to access such such components which are only essential for app and all the other components are not allowed in the android system for that specific app.While installing the app on android operating system it asks for allow of components for android system and by allowing such components that specific can only access those parts of the system and the other parts of system which are not allowed cannot be access by the app. It makes android systen secure and fast and remove hackers from gaining access of yours profile and android system.When two apps have similar application signatures then, they can have single or same system id of Linux and in which they run and they can share with each other about their activities on the same Linux id.In this way, two apps share the one Linux process and one virtual machines.Device data requests wors with system permission. In addition to it a system can go for permission of specific requests to access device data such as bluetooth, GPS and so on and when these special requests are allowed such app and its files can access those special data from android system.
Application Compponents:

Application components are important gateway for user or system to use these components in equivocal ways. Component is like a door for system and user or it is an entry point for them to go into system. Throught his entry component a system or user can find the gate pass to entry into the system. There are four types of components. Those are:

ActivitesServicesBroadcast receiversContent Providers.

In the next article we will learn about how four different categories of components. As we know that system provides a unique Linux id and allow services to be used by apps. Components on then other hand works opposite as it provides a gateway for system or users to use app based upon above mentioned four component categories.


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