Accounting entry in TallyPrime and Edit Log for transactions

All transactions in a business organisation can be recorded with tally prime software. Infact most of these transactions can be recorded within journal vouchers of Tally Prime. However bigger organisations do have different types of transactions which needs to be done in complete coherence with GST and other tax liabilities. In a business organisation there are many kinds of transactions like sales, payments, journal entry, purchase entry, contra note, debit notes, credit notes and different types of data entry jobs. It is not so complicated as most of these data entry can be done within shortest possible changes.

All of these transactions can be recorded within Tally Prime can be categorised intojournals entry, purchase entry, sales entry, payment entry, receipts entry, contra entry, inventory vouchers, order voucher entry or non accounting vouchers. It is all about putting all of these transactions into Tally Prime which is called as to record all of these into Tally Prime. TallyPrime has default 28 voucher types and if necesary you can add more voucher types. Under sales vouchers you can classify sales as cash sales, card sales and other different type of sales. Even you can create numbered transactions of cash payments.

How to record a transactions in Tally Prime

First open TallyPrime. Here, we will be talking about how to record expense transaction in Tally Prime. Then click on the financial year and then press Alt+G, which is short cut to create voucher and then press F5to create payment inside TallyPrime. It is important first to set the date of entry and for this otherwise transaction entry can be recorded in some other dates and in totality all of these informations can be mixed with transactions of some other dates. For this press F2 to change or set the date of transaction entry. When you do this subsequenty the next entries will be for the next days automatically. You can even create account entry for the previous day by clicking on F2 and manualy changing the dates.

You can create a company inside TallyPrime and then it automatically creates two ledgers which can be edited or add or substracted later as the default ledger ceations are cash and profit and loss account. When you create the account field you will have the two same default account either cash or bank ledger. In the following manner you can create payment details. For payment creation you can go for particulars. Then create Alt+C and this should be done in indirect expenses. If there is no earlier ledger crated then you can create ledgers for this. These should be done if there is no expesnes ledger is not there. In the amount segment enter the payment amount. The narration is at the left hand lower side and you can provide important informations regarding the expenditure. After doing all of these you can press Cltr+A to save the transactions into TallyPrime.

Edit Log for transactions:

In TallyPrime edit log transactions is enabled by defauly.In this way all of these informations which you put inside TallyPrime are recorded automatically. Within TallyPrime you can see the log edits to see whether any such transactions are being created, altered or deleted. In this way, you can check whether any wrong plaements of data can be checked easily. By looking into logs of a particular transactions so tha you can check whether any additional changes into data can be done or not. To look into edit log you should have to open the transaction from day book. Press Alt+G and then select day bookfrom the lists and press enter from keyboard. There is another alternative to go into day book bu reaching to gateway of tally and then go inot day book. It will show the list of tansactions and select the particular transactionand then select that transaction and then pressenter and it will show

Voucher alteration.

Supposedly you have opened this in day book and from there you can view altered or deleted transactions. Then go towards edit log report to enquire into lists of edited or deleted transactions vouchers. From there edit log will appear. So, in two way manner you can reach to edit log. By oressing Cltr+O which will show related reports and then edit log and then enter. You can directly go to edit log by reaching out Alt+Q to reach out to edit log report. Edit Log report shows version, activity, username and date & time. You can check out activity to know more about change logs. From activity you will find nature of saved alternations such as altered, resaved, created or resaved (no changes. Before activity you will find version and from there you can find and edit the version. To edit any version select any version and press enter. and then it will appear differences between edit log versions appears. Here, you can find comparative changes made to tansactions details. It will show the changes in the transactions in red text to highlight the transactions.

Then, you can reach towards the red text and then you can check the different versions to see the changes in comparision. Then you can configure reports to check the amount of changes. To configure changes press F12 and then it will show altered values. So click on F12 and then enter show altered values only to yes. So after this you will only see the values that has been altered in red text. Here you will find altered accounts such as party acount, date and other values. Supposedly, if you do not want to view these values then after pressing F12 you will find show altered values to no not to be seen these edits. Show configuration baed values such as yes or no or change blank to not applicable to yes. In this way you can view waht is the difference between two versions in complete detail. If you want to correct any values then press F12 ancd then you can view these transactions.

If you do this then some of the values get updated and it is important to set it yes such that you can view these fields in the report. Then difference between edit log appears. The important of automatic vouchers numbering when set to automatic then when some vouchers are deleted then it will appear in the edit log in the subsequent vouchers. When the date of voucher number changes then subsequent vouchers related with the same dates changes. Apart from all of this there are some other activities which can affect writing of changing of logs.Whwn you make a normal voucher as optional voucher. Alternatively, when you change normal voucher into optional voucher. When you change any vocuher such as journal voucher into another voucher then it will be written in logs too. Edit log does appear when vouche changes to all affected vouchers. Lastly edit log appears when you add any back dated transactions.


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