@—— at
ASL —–age, sex, location
F2T—— free to talk
SPK ——speak
MSG—— message
B ——be
B4———— before
PPL———- people
R ———-are
BTW ——–by the way
PLS——- please
SOM1———– someone
OIC——– oh I see
OMG————- oh my God
BRB———- be right back
NO1 ——-no one
BAK ——-back at the keyboard
OTOH———- on the other hand
FYI——- for your information
W/—— with
MOB——— mobile
U ——–you
TX——— thanks
PCM————— please call me
IMO————– in my opinion
XLNT—————- excellent
WU——— what’s up?
WKND———- weekend
WAN2———— want to
4 —————for
LOL————— lots of luck / laughing out loud
L8R—————- later
2NITE ——————-tonight
2MORO—————– tomorrow
2DAY———————— today
JK ——————just kidding
2—————- to, too
YR———————- your
H8————- hate
GR8————— great
HAND—————– have a nice day
AFAIK————— as far as I know
MYOB————- mind your own business
ATB——————– all the best
C——————– see
C U ——————–see you
CUL8R——————— see you later
F2F——————— face to face
KIT——————– keep in touch
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