A painful farewell

My relationship with Docomo was as old as its introduction. I was an ardent fan of Docomo which is evident from my earlier writing on it a few months back when I praised the generosity of the Tatas in refunding me excess charges they had erroneously debited which normally never happens. But, now, I have relinquished the SIM in favor of Vodafone. It was a painful substitution done after a myriad thoughts.

The last three/ four months were too much for me to forbear. I had never subscribed for jokes, but deductions were made and jokes came, Similarly, sports news, music downloads, etc. came without myself consciously requesting for it. To add to my woes, all my subscriptions were being renewed without myself requesting for the same. I was completely at sea without having any knowledge of quashing the compulsion.

I ran from pillar to post to undo the damage inflicted upon me by Docomo, but their staffs are trained not to listen to us in such a manner that I had to relinquish the SIM altogether, much against my inner urge. It so happened during my last three months of Docomo usage that whatever amount of recharge voucher were put, all were debited as arrears towards some fun, game or astrological news thrust upon me by Docomo.

I was always short of balance for using the phone even after recharging the mobile with more than adequate balance projected for a month. But, it took me four long months to take the painful decision of separation. It shows, how much I like my partner.But, alas, it is a one way traffic. My partner does not like me So, my conjugal life with Docomo ended. But, once a partner, I cannot think ill of my better-half. Let it rest in peace without luring others for the same love-game.


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