Bizarre Alien Psychology

The term Alien is deeply rooted in extra-terrestrial. There has been many shades and descriptions regarding how Alien could be. Most of it are signs of predominantly covered propositions of thoughts where most of the time if we look carefully at most of these shapes of aliens in movies are of similar kinds. A kind of very dangerously looking animals with many heads or hands and with mammoth sizes.

Most of these movies tend to provide pieces of information that aliens are more sophisticated from us in terms of size, technology and most of them try hard to capture earth. In reality, there is no conclusive evidence to suggest this but still, we tend to show our imaginations and fall into it.

In the era of superpowers and superhuman where the presence of Avengers, Captain America, Spiderman, Harry Potter and so on. While moving into the arena of superpowers and aliens who perceived to have better technology and scientific instruments. We still to date have not been able how to move beyond time and stipulated time management.

What we could not do ours imaginations might have been. That is why we empower aliens most of our power so as to becomes invisible, faster and power to return to alien base within divisions of time limits.

In Thor movie series we tend to learn about how aliens tend to move from one universe to the other with the super high speed with an invisible path that is like the bridges. In Hindus mythology, we learn about how Pandavas tend to reach to heave through the path of Himalayas. All of these can be part and parcel of the imagination but still, most of these lead to open more and more suggestive path where there is always the scope for scientific inventions.

It is true that science has its limitations. It cannot go beyond the realm of space from a certain point. Movies are imaginations of society. In this age of absolute invisible war where people want to have situations where they want one superhero who can fly and beat entire oppositions without any need for the country to country fight.

In some movies, we tend to see the entire universe is divided into seven or eight parts and most of these locations are either controlled by good people including our solar system but some part of it is part of the dark world which are the accumulations of evil forces. All of these tend to move from the situations where our imaginations have no limits.

In my childhood, I fond of comics and read many of it but after graduations, I left it, but people are now reading comics which are of the superpower and of force but still they love to read it because humans want to move towards the age of complete control and they want to know about unknown.

It can happen. Let us now talk about a movie namely “Gone” in 2012 which is proposed to be a psychological thriller all together but, in reality, everyone thinks in different ways.

All people including officers, neighbours thought that the main character has some Schizophrenia thoughts and everything what he calls for comes about from her head, In actual she is right and no one ever believes on her but when she confronted and rescued from these still she does not want to reveal anything as she wants all of the persons to remain in belief of earlier.

What all of us tend to believe in one example it might have many truths hidden into it where we do not want all of these to be believed and perceived in absolutely correct ways.

The single most parameter of huge development of the human is the brain itself where we tend to think of many ideas and many visions and most of these could be different from one another in the similar situations but we have to believe it and dissect incomplete ways.

We have to move beyond what science says. Thanks to many successful movie makers who have created such nice science movies where from time to time we find it in realistic and completely truthful ways to see those.

We like when trees speak words, and dogs also converse with humans but how it could whether there are any such exhibitions of correlations where we can understand what dogs are speaking or trees are trying to convey us?

When we see how space shuttle runs within universes without fear of aliens losing their age in between or fear of losing the fuels. It provides some of the mightiest resolutions of ideas where we move towards exceptional propositions of making these come to absolute realities.

What we had been reading in Hindus mythologies we tend to find all of these, about such bridges which connect one universe with that of other and about dark world where demons used to live and from time to time they attack the king of Heaven Lord Indra and most of these tend to see in Hollywood movies and sometimes with bizarre philosophy of aliens where we could see some sort of not so describe compositions of aliens.

Some feel Iron Man can possibly fight such forces, some feel that Captain America or Spiderman could and some imagine alien as the magical worlds of Harry Potter. Still, in reality we have not seen clear-cut Moon and what it lies ahead and there are many unanswered questions about why despite reaching to Moon many years ago why there is not so strong on the mapping of it and more and more to satisfy our hunger to reach to the universe.

Originally published at on September 24, 2018.


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