The Interview

For some time doing freelance work provides extremely amount of satisfaction as companies offered to work for their websites and I do it and now they have started paying for my work and while doing this for some time I received Google Adsense publisher account. It provides one of most extremely amount of satisfaction as it provide one of better understanding of how a website can be beautiful optimised in order to have greater amount of sharing of advertisements all over.

Now, there is plenty of amount of extremely satisfiable time and for this I search for jobs in fact full times so as to provide one of extremely way to share my knowledge towards constructing of websites, better management of wordpress websites, PHP and other digital marketings, search engine optimisation technologies, search engine management, content writer and so on and for this my search for full time job continues.

My location is at Puri and the job opportunities for Puri town is scarce as there is no such important industries are there in nearby locations. For this I have to reach to Bhubaneswar as there are more and more business opportunities in order to catch the provisions and I do hope that most of them will call me for interview purposes and then this would be helpful for me.

I am pretty much excited about it and for this I search through internet and short list some of these companies which deals with my important work schedules and my expertise and for this I continue to search it and take the help of many search engines such as that of Google job search, Indeed, Linkedin and find out some real jobs and locations of jobs and by reaching through their website I do make some sort of research on it and then find that, I note down their requirements and then put it on a plane paper.

I write down companies as and when I found it on the serial wise. I write down the name of the company one y one and then go to their website as I read about their service offerings, as well as about their companies so as to find out more about their companies as these would help immensely while taking interview at these listed organisations. I wrote down the names of companies and then match my work profile and which work profile vacancy there and then I wrote down their email addresses, telephone numbers and then talk about their companies.

Then, I wrote down their telephone numbers and then take my phone and connect with a headset and then call these companies with the help of these numbers as I connect with headset to have clear tone while talking with these companies. Most of these companies call for walk ins and they told me to come with hard copy of my curriculum vitae.

I talked with these companies and then I contact with them and wrote down the schedules and then I talk to them and then confirm with them of my appointment so that when I reach there and so that I can continue my interview with them. I reached on the specific date with my daddy and then start with them with shuttle train which starts from Puri at eight am so that we can reach towards these interview points at the specified time.

We got up at half past four and then finish my daily routines, and then worship Lords inside home and then both me and daddy went to reach towards railway station as distance from my home towards railways station as it is hardly a fifteen minutes of work. I used to dress not formal but not so formal as the climate in Puri is currently with greater amount of humidity.

We reached at railways station as shuttle train is the passenger train and the price from Puri to Bhubaneswar is 15 rupees per person and there is no rebate of senior citizens. Generally, for senior citizens there is concession on express and superfast train tickets and for female senior citizens rebate is more that male counterpart.

I keep tickets inside my purse, so that tickets will not lost in the midway as government always checks tickets and it is important for all passengers to make journey within trains with valid tickets. We reached at Bhubaneswar, and then went to DTS bus stand and there government buses changes from Sahara Bus stand to Mo Bus. We reached at the location but bit confused about infocity and DTS Cybercity. We need to reach at DTS cyber city but sadly we got up at Infocity which is one kilometer prior to this.

One week back we reached at the DLF cyber city but sadly we forgot exact location and then we feel hungry so at the side lane on one temporary shop we ate two cream breads costs ten rupees each and the size of the breads are so huge that I eat seventy five percentages of the bread. Then, we asked the shopkeeper about whereabouts of DLF cyber city and he shows one board which seems to go back side from where we are standing out there.

The sun was shining at its best and half of sky was filled with more and more clouds and this means the humidity and the power of sun is on the rise. Daddy wore one cap and I opened the umbrella there in order to avoid the scorching heat arising out from sun’s rays. We at last after 20 minutes of meandering here and there reached at the DLF cyber city and the next stop was to reach at the eleventh floor to attend interview of Shiftu Technology as there was the provision for content writer.

We reached there attend the written and then interview part and then we reached at the outside of DLF Cyber City and we moved out from, garage ideas it was almost one pm and we are feeling hungry and outside there was a moving hotel over a small truck and from there both me and daddy ate fish meals which is of 50 rupees. Surprisingly the rice was cod other wise all the other items are good and most of persons who are working there in the DLF Cyber City used to take lunch from there as for the distance there is no good amount of food stall in Chandaka industrial estates.

The rice was cold but other items such as dal, the mixed non veg curry and the sweet water fish is good and benefit of chillies. I find it extremely nice to eat out. Hen, we move to the end of that street and then the citi bus stand out there. Nearby to that area we found that one ice cream parlour and with ten rupees with one cone and two scoops and the taste of both the scoops of ice-cream is very tasty and then the town bus reached and it was from private town bus stand, and they took 40 rupees to reach to master canteen and there was no concession of senior citizens out there.

When we reached from Puri to Bhubaneswar and then to mo bus the government town bus service in Bhubaneswar they have concession for senior citizens as they took 30 rupees for this journey, so this is the prime difference between government agencies and the private agencies.

Then we reached at DTS bu station to reach to Puri through air-conditioned bus service, as we reached at 3 pm but the bus was not going anywhere and we the bus service begins at 5.30 pm when most of people occupied the seats inside air-conditioned bus. During these two hour and 30 minutes we feel hungry and daddy from the nearby stall brought spiced puffed rice and it was of ten rupees and nice for taste and here is the man who delicately preparing the street food with too much of care and while watching this video which I uploaded on my YouTube channel Itechil and from there you can find more and more interesting videos to understand the travelling experiences of mine towards various routes.

While returning from Bhubaneswar to Sakhigopal there was too much of high-speed of rain and the speed of rain was too much and the air conditioned bus became too much cooler and that removes most of ours tiresome moments from this tiredful journey and the feeling of rain out there is extremely immense satisfaction and the movement of bus through new Puri-Bhubaneswar routes bypassing the Pipli makes the journey extremely satisfying.

Originally published at on August 22, 2019.


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