Why OEMs should update Older Android Phones regularly

After using android for a considerable time to day I realise that with each and every android update the most prominent part of understanding that the features we do get from different android updates can be easily incorporated to other previous android versions. But why all of these are not there in each and every android update and there are similar apps in the play store itself which mostly provide the similar functionalities which Google android updates provide from time to time. Then why Google updating and upgrading its operating system from time to time without so much of preparation to beat the point of action as in the case with Microsoft Operating system where with each update of its operating system we do find more and more newer and advanced option but with each android updates we do find that, there are of course many apps there in Google Play Store where the new and advanced features are available.

When, I found my older phones such as Galaxy Grand Duos, which has latest update of Android Jelly Bean operating system is working perfectly but the only problem is that it has at best work with 2G connectivity and utmost 3G connectivity, and as we are reaching towards the age of 4G and now nearer towards 5G connectivity,and for this now it is not worth using and that makes using of this phone with modern connectivity comes to the stand still. Now, even my expensive phone of Samsung Galaxy Grand Duos is completely stand still due to the presence of new and advanced features are not available in the older versions of operating system, If you examine and find out that the presence of on device storages which makes street collaboration between offline and online SEO evidently found that Samsung has way back invented these and incorporated into Samsung Galaxy Grand Duos and Google own cloud system perhaps not working as per the expected standards. 

If we do see that, in terms of features Samsung is able to provide more and more features with its older version of operating system and why that is happening now. We see most of these features are there, with most latest versions of the android operating system, and for this older version of operating system are not working. It is important to understand and formalise why such the level of quantification of operating systems is working out in these situations. So, it is important to understand that it is one of most important facets to understand that it is hardware that is important to understand that from more and more difficult situations even a good hardware device does not fit into this stage of action. Even when the original equipment manufacturer can develop their own version of customised operating system,and can introduce the new features even not depending completely on the single operating system of Google’s android operating system. 

From time to time we do see some android apps do work in more advanced version of operating system, but due to the presence of more and more developments in terms of operating system management we do find more and more transitional changes to this and find out more and more decisive improvements. What it makes within ours mindset as it impulses us to buy and to go for a better phone perceivably with newer and advanced operating system that can provide more and more convenient way to manage day to day work in some decisive and convenience ways and this makes the main spirit of using a smart phone which ultimately do provide easier way to use advance operating system but what if original equipment manufacturers  such as mobile hardware development companies do provide more intuitive ways to manage operating system. If such developed OS can be available in older devices with some marginal money then people can invest their confidence in winning back and investigating on mobiles that perceivably not so difficult to use and discard the smart phones. If companies go for upgrading its smartphones with some additional money then people can use and invest money all at one go and then keep upgrading it with some annual maintenance contract system where we find there is hardware security of computer, water purifier and so on. This op[tion of annual maintenance contact if there withmobile buyers then they can invest money or invest at one time only and then can keep upgrading their devices from time to time without worrying about any such adverses and the wants of money for buying a smartphone. Why hardware manufacturers are not doing this as this can bind the customer with their brand for a longer time and this can help to improve overall performance of reaching towards delivering all extreme customer satisfaction . 

What this makes for the companies is that they are attached with the customer all the while and with such customer satisfaction indexes slowly the maps of achievement and putting tand managing customers towards extreme loyalties and increase the brand power. 

It is important to see and utilise the brand loyalties so that if at all any point of time we do find that it is the customer not upgrading their phone then at that time it is important to stay safer. Renowned original equipment manufacturer such as samsung at one point of time number one smartphone seller slowly moved to the position where only one upgrade to operating system is their or at best two upgrades and then there is no signs of Google system protect upgrade and there is no updation of Google security updates as we struck inside the critical mindset of supporting mobile equipment manufacturers. In this stiff time of pandemic where we do find that ultimately the success comes from ours own intuition of how to make and manage all of these at some good intentions.It is important to understand that when companies think of people and think in terms of understanding what customers want and that should provide more and more provided intentions to make their phone running seamlessly. It is important to understand that more and more newly advanced intuitions about learning of marketing gimmicks and move towards successful understanding of moving towards complete management of ideas that should be content centric. 


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