My son’s first walks

The dream and its screenshots can be more realistic and more and more longing for the endurance eyes of the deep within of some spectacular scenic dreams. My son just been trying to walk and falling each time and been disappointed. As a kid he is trying his best to walk , imitating me and my wife but falling in the process and disappointing and then trying to observe my emotions whether I am watching his steps or not At first me and my better half observing his trying to stand with two small legs but time and again he is failing to stand as he is a small kid. Then as usual he would observe both of us and if realizes, we both are looking carefully to ours child then he would cry is shame.

I have seen watching both of my child’s from the child hood and observer the child psychology that children used to imitate their parents and if they fail then they are disappointed and they cannot utter words as they are yet to be perfect inn speaking so they shows their disappointment by crying loudly. SO, we both decided to observe ours child trying to stand up but not to see direct but see through indirect vision. We are very excited about this and we are waiting for the whole moments to capture by the camera and the handy cam so that we will cherish these moments in ours whole life time. The real emotion moments for both of us and we are carefully watching ours son trying hard to stand up and walk with his two beautiful legs.

When I was at the office sometimes thinking a lot about this moment, could it happen when I am away from the home and I will not be able to be part of this celebrity’s moment of my son walking for the first time inside my house. So, I convey my better half to take snaps and also record the moments if I was away from the happenings. The real check mate is to see my son’s face when he would first walk without fall inside my home.

This moment is always longing for both of us and it is so excited and envisions that I cannot capture and imagine how to write these moments in the blog. That day was the Sunday, I was not at the office and staying at home and talking with my wife and watching the son who is trying endlessly to stand up. Now he is taking the help of the side walls to stand and walk. Wow may be we are nearing the moments. My son is standing up and within the help of the walls he is walking and move from the bed room to drawing room effortlessly but with the help of the side wall. Now my son is trying to walk without the wall, he falls from the wall and now is seating on the floor, and my better half running and making love with my son so that he will not be disappointed. My son within drench eyes is looking at me and to my better half with a glance as if he just missed the Everest or just hit a beautiful shot but to be captured inside the boundary.

We both are happy but not smiling as this would make ours son deeply disappointed so we decided to be calmed and watch what is happening. On that Sunday evening the inevitable happens , we both are talking and watching the Three Idiots on the television and enjoying the movie and in front of the television ours son is trying hard to walk like us, some time he is standing with the help of ours legs and sometimes with the help of a chair , then suddenly he is starting to walk without the help any third party and he is walking just like walking on a hanging string , trying to balance on both the sides and with the help of both the hands he started walking here and there and then looking to both of us with a winning smile and that smile is worth cores of rupees for both of us and we captured the moments and recorded and even after almost 30 years we are seeing those recordings when we want to see ours sons smile.

After the recording competed my son’s long standing has been abrupt though he tries again then he succeed. The he gave us a majestic look and confirm us that he want to stand with his legs only for both of us!


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