Death of my brother

t is a bright sky, the lingering clouds with mystic brownness, which cannot be said about the proper way of action on the part of clouds, whether there will be rain or not still this is enhancing the beauty of sky like a proper shade of color. In between the bluish sky is showing the signs of life and there is hardly the heat of sun, Entire atmosphere is dipped with cocktail of beautiful environment, and in the mean time Ellie is walking beside the sea bed, to have the glimpse of wonderful attire of nature. The sea in her city is calm as the turtle and the part of water of the sea is divided into some sort of pond and children are playing inside it due to not so deep of water. Some, stubborn rocks there in between and for this some guardian are shouting them to be vigilant within these stones as they may get themselves injured at that point of time. The bright sky is reflecting with water and the small cut hills with big rocks are there side by side, as in some places there are plain lands and some other places there are not so plane lands, the rocky structures and for this, the reflection of light has been fantastic.

In the mean time, Ellie , ran through the sands to have a good exercise , as sand has more friction than the roads and for this , while running within sands , one tend to do heavy pressure on feet and that is more exercise and more strain for yours bones. This is pretty interesting considering the fact that, with beauty of sea shore and the areas nearer to it , running seems to be pretty exciting here as the strains can be forgotten with the brevity of tides that are running into sea and closer to you while running. Sometimes, the tides would come near to you and try to touch yours feet and sometimes it would be farther from you and trying to go out from you , the scenic beauty of dancing tides can be more of a fascinating attraction and with due course of time , one can breathe freely . Sea shore gives plenty of air to breathe in and out and in due course of time, yours respiration organ becomes more and more free of any such intrusions and you get plenty of oxygen, which is vital for life. Oxygen is also like and distilled place for yours breathing arena with proper distribution of air all over everywhere inside vital organs of yours body, one can feel the freeness within his body to have the great sense of nice feeling and with it the essential part of brain also getting more and more oxygen that can have proper fillip for blood circulation. The brain is the single most part of one’s entire body, which can control the different organs in many ways and it also gives the most vital control to vital parts of human limbs.

Ellie is running on the shores, at the right side of shore one tourist family is seating with some fried foods and they are enjoying the sea, which is in full strength. There are two charming babies with them, the younger is the girl and the elder is the boy and their age most probably between two to three years of age. They are building a temple with sand and the elder brother is seem to be taking the charge and the younger sister is looking at his brother with surprise, the way the little sister is glancing towards his brother, giving the expression that, his elder brother knows everything and then she come nearer to her brother and out one hand on his shoulder and bow to see the temple in action. His brother smiles at her and shows the temple to her and after seeing this, the little girl smiles and with claps both of her hands, she jumps from the band and she is happily smiling and dancing.

After few minutes, the construction of temple completed and her brother calls her, she is seating near her mother and then, she slowly walks towards his elder brother and he tells her to play with this temple , after hearing this she is very happy and claps in sign of happiness and smiles at her brother and then she goes near to temple and plays with that and after few minutes she breaks that sand temple , but his elder brother has no tension and the sister tells him that the sand temple is broken and his brother asks her , shall he built one more temple for her ? She says yes and her brother began building one more temple. Here is the brilliant affection between two siblings where the elder sibling is scarcely three years of childhood but still taking the front step to make her sister happier. Ellie is really enjoying her morning jogging with these sorts of agreeable and cool family relationships. In the mean time , the small girl child is running towards the sea , after seeing the high tide generating from it , his father is watching both of his child and jumps from there and hold on to her and then take her towards his lap, to control her movement , but the child wants to go towards the sea , and in seeing this , her brother come near to her and show her a chocolate and she forget about this incident and with smile eat chocolate and the sweetness of chocolate makes her laugh and she admiringly looking at her brother and then to her parents .

Ellie is smiling at her while walking the sense of child crippling into her mind and she thinks of her own elder brother who was killed while returning back from job , at that time she was 17 and her elder brother , had assured her that he would be reaching home with a big doll , and he had kept his promise to his sister , but this time , his dead body comes , as he died of an car accident and he was holding the big doll in his left hand as if he wanted to give it to his sister , but this was not possible due to his accidental death but still , he was holding that doll in tight so that , he wanted to convey his sister that he had kept his promise. Tears rolled from her eyes, for last few years, she has been missing her brother, in every field, if he was alive to day, then she would not have any problem in filling the forms and prospectuses of various institutions but his brother has left her and the void and vacuum he had created within her family has been immense and irreparable.


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