The gems of Indian folktales in the Vedic literature

It shows the experience and it upholds the ancient social and cultural history. In the ancient literature most of the writings are mainly the poetry version and with due course of time, the prose and the essay part of the literature develops to its fullest extent. Ancient literature is poetry driven and wit due course of time it has been driven to prose centric.

There are plenty of stories in the Rig-Veda which may be acceptable as forerunners of Panchtantra. Storytelling and listening is the birth born attitude of every reasonable human. Literature is the mirror of the society and for the ages, it has been emboldened with various tales of lively stories and facts and that is going on for numerous years and continue to do so.

Form the pre-historic era, the literature develops in the form of prose or the poetry in various dashboards. The old and ancient Sanskrit stories are some of the burning example and stress to the fact that the germs of Indian folk tales bear to the fact that it is engraved and engulfed from pre-historic times.

Panchtantra is related to birds and animals fables and it is the oldest in the history and the other related fables must have been inspired by this. In Upanishads, which is prior to Panchtantra there are various instances of fables and short stories and beautiful folk tales. The Baudhajatak related to Buddhism depicts the various birth and life-related fables of Lord Budha.

There are plenty of stories related to Lord Budha in a relationship with animals and birds ad the derivative teachings has been much appreciated and religious. There are numerous folk tales, fables and traditions in the national epic of Ramayana, Mahabharata and Eighteen Purana. These might be considered as the storehouses of Indian mythology that related to legends, popular and religious beliefs and superstitions. These are the gems of Indian folklore in Vedic literature.

The kathacharita sagar is related to rivers and the rivers speaking the language of humans. In the ancient time, Indians used to travel a lot and around the world and this has been reflected in this epic. It deals with the history and dreams with the reality that I sprouting as the germs of Indian folktales. It shows the experience and it upholds the ancient social and cultural history.

In the ancient literature most of the writings are mainly the poetry version and with due course of time, the prose and the essay part of the literature develops to its fullest extent. Ancient literature is poetry driven and wit due course of time it has been driven to prose centric. Why these trends occurred as there are many schools of thought and the predominant among these is that during those times no entertainment medium was available and in order to express love or respect someone gifts it in terms of poetry to achieve this.

Most of these writings are anonymous and the origins of these are not known but it has been carried out and carried forward to these generations through customs and traditions. There are many happy occasions like that of the marriage ceremony, festivals, celebrations where everyone is in the joyous mood and the songs written for these special occasions has been popular and with the passage of time it stays in the mouth of the people and being transferred to their next generations.

According to Oxford; a ballad is a folk-song that tells the story with stress on the crucial situation and tells it objectively with the little component on the intrusion of personal bias. These are the gems of Indian folklore in Vedic literature.

Oxford Dictionary:

So, folktales are the natural process of human thinking and it goes with the process emboldened with the thoughts to the mind than to the writer’s words. The Gatha Saptasati written in the Marathi language is known for Kosa. What is Kosa? Kosa is a collection and accumulation of verses which are independent of each other without the connecting nodes attached to it. In the kavya, the sentiment of love, the tender, romantic and the nostalgic feelings the persuasion of opinion is prominent and predominant.

It has some outstanding, spectacular and striking effect. Here no verse is closely attached to each other, having separate value and no strings attached to it but if you try to make the collection then it can be arranged in all possible groups and units relating to a particular topic. The kavya can be full of erotic ideas having titillating superficial exciting connotations the content of cognition; the main thing you are thinking about, your intention; what you intend to do, the melodic subject of a musical composition all has been compounded to accumulate with these far-flung ideas in the making.

It reflects upon the lyrical mind and has been gifted and imbibed with the most deserving phenomena and the subversion societal singing at is best sometimes for the merrymaking and many times for then glorious understanding of utmost human management.

These are written in the colloquial languages with the characteristic of informal spoken language or conversation, in these writings female is not only the wife but also the lover and also the administrator.
The female is crying for her husband who had gone to a foreign land for business. The songs are more of dynamic in nature, they shared with people to people without being printed on paper that time the printed work considered to be the static one ad that cannot be changed and remain as it is. Folk songs passed on from mouth to mouth and that is dynamic and unstable, it can be edited by all like the crowdsourcing and cloud hosting of modern day phenomena.

They have had a fixed and unchanging value, restore by replacing a part or putting together what is torn or broken, cause to be firmly attached which is deciding upon or fix definitely which is make fixed, stable or stationary and it is continually shifting with varying inputs from time to time, it makes shift or exchange of ideas from one set or context to the other it is something like changing of the gear.

It is marked by the continuous change and effective action become different in essence; losing one’s or its original nature, become different in some particular way, without permanently losing one’s or its former characteristics or essence for example her mood changes in accordance with the weather and the poet goes on with this phenomena and trying to iterate various aspects of these emotions lay aside, abandon, or leave for another it becomes deeper in tone and clarity. These are the gems of Indian folklore in Vedic literature.
They have been lived through adversity and diversity through generations by wiping out all then obstructions and the breaks and have been inside the hearts of millions and still, we are living with it, it seems a stupendous achievement.

The authorship and the ownership have been lost in the generations and the original content has been gone or has been modified with due course of time but the real flavour of the music is still at large in the minds and the hearts of people and it is going on inside the mind and the hearts.

Such songs are different from the real literary works in terms of sense and the mind but the charm embedded within it has been glorious and brilliant to the utmost senses of the masses and it is still capturing the millions through heart and the mind, it is still vibrating inside the hearts of many, these songs show us the testimony of the fact that the real value of singing and the literature can remain within the hearts of millions.

The work and the poetry of the individual does not become overnight becomes the ballad or the folklore, it goes with the testimony of times and it captures through many hurdles and the deeps and the dense forests , it undergoes the people’s acceptance like nothing and goes on to be captured and taken over by the masses in terms of billions who wants it to make it their life and want to feel the sense of real life and the languages , and it goes on and takes the place of many before being change again and again and ultimately it touches the status of folklore and it goes into the masses and recognised by the masses and their reflection has been seen with it with the utmost importance and the wonderful attendance and the seer popularity can be of utmost importance fact of brilliant significance.

The authorship and the ownership have been lost in the generations and the original content has been gone or has been modified with due course of time but the real flavour of the music is still at large in the minds and the hearts of people and it is going on inside the mind and the hearts.

Such songs are different from the real literary works in terms of sense and the mind but the charm embedded within it has been glorious and brilliant to the utmost senses of the masses and it is still capturing the millions through heart and the mind, it is still vibrating inside the hearts of many, these songs show us the testimony of the fact that the real value of singing and the literature can remain within the hearts of millions.

You can find the nave description and the certain sense of pride and sometimes the inbuilt and the ingrained prejudices which has been tremendously qualified with significance with the astonishing brilliance and the achievement par excellence with verbal clarity and inbuilt description of the habitual brilliance by picking out the day in day out activities in fullest of detail and with maximum significance.
These merely taken out the token of life from the day to day activities of people and them able to recognise the fact and can be seen and feel with it and this has many mass appeals as it related to the masses in many significant ways. The mass can interact with it and can see the reflection with it and can feel the same way as it is undergoing.

The repetitions of the purposes can undergo similar tendencies in the future but the present cannot be undermined with the most popular synthetic artistic foundations. It seems that the folklore and for the all the times and it is for the masses and it seems the dream of the common man goes with the dream with these master acts of folklore. Sometimes these can be narrative and sometimes can be descriptive in nature to attend the duly filled narrative descriptions inhabited with.

Sometimes, it can be lyrical and sometimes it is descriptive with lots of thought and the socialite issues attached to it which can be somewhat the reflections of the unique culture or else the positive factors of happiness is being inscribed in the performance-oriented mannerisms. It reflects upon the lyrical mind and has been gifted and imbibed with the most deserving phenomena and the subversion societal singing at is best sometimes for the merrymaking and many a time for then glorious understanding of utmost human management. In the folk poetry generally, the singer gets the prominence and he manages to give direction to their poetry management in some subtle ways and it shows the purely the personalised manner the intent and then observation of the singer is dealing with the then competent source.

The singer can modify the work to is convenience and this goes on to show the singers have the ability to manage and get the new poetic version in their vision to get into the real poetic justice to the audience at large. The process of interpretation in folk ballads has been tremendous and it is prone to some wonderful functionalities with the awesome analytical mind in the progress to achieve this. These are the gems of Indian folklore in Vedic literature.

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