Nova Launcher Prime Review

The best thing you can do with android is that most of the apps and settings can be customized and can be used as alternative. The launcher app or the basic desktop environment can be equally customized. Most of devices with their original equipment manufacturers do provide the launcher but most of these launchers are basic and there is more to do but you cannot as there are no provisions for it.

There are many such alternatives for you such as in the Google Play Store you could find more such alternative such as for launcher and to day we will discuss in depth about such launcher which can perform a well too good of activities and mostly suited for yours purposes. One such launcher is Nova Launcher and it is available in a play store in two formats one is for free and the primary or the paid version.

Most of the properties are free and there are some advanced properties which can be invoked as after purchasing this from Play store. Do check out from time to time, there are some offers where the price of Nova Launcher Prime comes to the actual minimum and then you can buy it from there. Be whatever yours android interface is, Nova Launcher makes it the most modern interface.

You will find plenty of gestures actions to makes yours android user experience betters and from this you get swipe. Pinch, double tap to provide some of customized actions. In applications, drawers you can create new tabs and folders so that assimilation of similar applications stays at one place.

Unread message counts of your favorite message apps such as messaging, hangouts, SMS, Gmail and so on and you can now devise to show how many unread messages are in it and this can be done in different ways by using the free TeslaUnread plugins. If you want to hide some apps, from application environment of your desktop then you can do so that the device and the patterns of presence of apps should be there in a proper manner.

It provides different and modern icon themes and in addition you can download more and more icons set to suitable for your purpose. You can configure the desktop grid to suit it for better purposes. You can keep all of your favorite apps in the dock and then want to remove some apps then, you can hide these apps out there. You can support and restore previously configured Nova launcher.

You can find more actions within icons by just long press on icons and you will find different gestures and animation from it. Some of these above mentioned work is in Nova Prime and some of these are free to use. Nova Launcher requires device running on Android 4 or later. It has so many different transitions and animation and if you want not to have these transitions then you can to disable these so that one of better battery saving ability for performance of this versatile launcher can be possible.

Nova Launcher Prime is almost akin to android stock home screen. In the latest updates to this launcher you could find new additions which are situated directly inside icon themes for adaptive Android 8. Oreo style and in this way your old operating system works like the latest android built. There is one option which is to normalize icon sizes and when it is enabled there are standardized icon sizes and this will make all icon in similar shapes and sizes.

Scroll and animation speed of Nova Launcher makes the loading of apps faster and if you want to have faster loading of icons then this setting might be for you and with this the faster launching of icons comes and that manner application launching times are reduced to bare minimum.

For the last few years there is almost demand of use of night mode of android devices and with which the light emanating from android changes according to the need of smoother viewing experiences and for this Nova Launcher does provide the night mode and even while you first time install the app it does provide the option to use it and when it is enabled, or it can be scheduled as per yours preferences where you can at some places use this darker them and there are some specific spaces where if you want not to use this darker theme then you can leave those places for it too.

You can turn off these darker theme effects on the areas such individual sliders for the search bar, drawer, drawer icons or folders. In the look and feel segment and in its icon theme you can choose for system styling icons or Marshmallow icon size and then in the segment of adaptive style icons you can choose for Oreo styled icons and then in the sub segment of adaptive style icons you can choose for reshape legacy icons where it adds a background to make all icons match in style and then choose for adaptive icon animations to choose for widget icons during drag and drop.

In this way, you can make icons to look like the latest build of android devices. In the look and feel there is one option known as normalize icon size and in which it will scale down larger icons down to match material guidelines. In this way, yours android desktop does provide one of the most comfortable viewing angle for users.

There is another two options known as screen orientation and scroll speed in which you can choose from different animation and this will further beautify android launcher to launch different animation with different styling. I choose the auto rotation option in screen orientation and in scrolling speed. I choose relaxed speed for scrolling between transition animation such as to enjoy the beautiful animation.

There are other options such as app animations that is when opening a new app or returning to the home screen the app animation is felt and this can be chosen from variety of options or you can choose it as default for android 5 or any of the android version you are using for it. Next option comes in look and feel is the pop up menu style where the visual style of menu when long pressing an app comes up and here too you can guide for another visual orientation such as android Oreo styling block or android nougat styling pills option and you can choose it either from these two options.

You have the option to hide the notification bar by reaching to show notification bar and if you want to show a notification bar transparent to the recent open window then you can also enable transparent notification bar to. Now in the folder option you have in icon sub menu folder preview and there four other option such as the stack android version, grid, fan and line and with it you can see what are other apps there in the folder without opening the folder itself. Then comes another option such as folder back ground, and here you have so many folder back ground option beginning from none to custom and other such as pixel launcher in order to show the stock android experience.

In the gesture and inputs button you now can edit the what the home hardware button should work such as you can choose from nova performances, apps and short cuts, and then provide command and control with it and with the sub tab of short cuts and then choose activities then you can provide room of installation of Google services with ease even if you have android 5 and lower versions. Apart from this their entirety are many such options are out and you can choose from a variety of such options and then use gestures to dig deep into such settings.

There are user customization can be done with Nova Launcher Prime and while digging deep into it you will realize that most of these functions are there and does not impact too much on any of android processes and, it is better for android battery too. There are many customization to suit all of your needs and it is high time you can try for it and then if you want to purchase to do it or can use its free version as per your wish.


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