What Are Qualitative Research Designs?

Type of the study: The topic which has been selected for the study has wide spread implication in the work culture of BSP. Because HRD practices has become an integral part of the BSP employees which has given positive effects and better output in each and every process of work.
This study can be named as “Diagnostic Study” as per the characteristics of the subject. In this study, the researcher will try to find out the elements of HRD practices which are already functioning in the work culture of BSP and its relationship with Customers Satisfaction Index.

Survey Method :

Exploratory study is used in this survey. At first, researcher lacks a clear idea of the problems he will meet during the survey. Through exploration researchers develop concepts more clearly, establish priorities, develop operational definitions and improve the final research design. Second reason is that, the area of investigation, so new, that the researcher needs to do an exploration just to learn something about the problem facing the organization. Third reason is that, it is practical to do a formal and comprehensive study on this topic which has not done before in this organization.

The objective of exploration may be accomplished with different techniques. Both qualitative and quantitative techniques are applicable; here exploration relies more heavily on qualitative techniques. When we consider the scope of qualitative research, several approaches are adaptable for exploratory investigations of researchers and manager’s question. The researcher took following approaches:

a. In depth – structured interviewing
b. Secondary data analysis
c. Two-stage design
d. Preparation of questionnaires

a. In depth structured interview :
It was done for almost ten days by the researcher. ISPAT BHAVAN, near main gate, in front of BTI, is the hub centre of almost fifty works, non-works and mines department. Permission made by the corporate guide, through phone, letter of introduction. Entry pass provided by CISF. Researcher, took in depth interview of GM(IT), GM(HRD), DGM(HRD), AGM(HRD), GM(I&A), GM(PROJECTS), GM (PROD) DGM(RCL), CPM, Deputy Managers, GM(I&A), EDP, MMIS, CMMS, INCOS, FINANCE, AUDIT, RCL, WORK OFFICE 2, 3, 1, SMS-I and SMS-II, Plate Mill, Blast Furnace, Rail & Structural Mill, Wire Rod Mill.

In the process got some valuable insight and users of various HRD wings of BSP. They are cordial and open hearted in their response. For this, the researcher had to prepare a small interview questionnaire and taking interview from them which averaging ten minutes. They also give valuable insights, report and total coverage of concerned subject.

b. Secondary data analysis :

Studies made by other for their own purposes represent secondary data. It is inefficient to discover a new through the collection of primary data or original research.

The researcher, first searched organizations own data and research achieves secondary data information has been acquired from New Ispat Bhavan, Old Ispat Bhavan, Central Library (BTI), Previous Research paper, Ongoing Seminars, By this researcher find an extensive amount of historical data or decision making pattern like in HRIS some additional modules to be introduced, data redundancy, data duplicacy should be avoided. Data accuracy and speed of information should be there. Awareness of the system should be there. Researcher also sees databases of BSP and its LAN to gather insight and trending pattern on the concerned subject. Then, the researcher had gone through various earlier projects like:

Implementation of ISO: 9001:2000 in Personnel Department.
Industrial relations and an assessment of welfare activities in BSP.
Fringe Benefit and welfare facility in BSP.
Maintenance Management System.
Marketing functions of BSP and its marketing strategies. c. Two Stage Design:
A useful way to design research study is as a tow-stage design. In the first stage clearly defining the research question and then developing research design in second stage.
Here, problem is not known but known after efforts and resources are committed. By taking inputs from various in-depth interviews, real HRD related practices and hurdles known.

c. Preparation of questionnaire:

The purpose of this survey was to bring out the inner perceptions and humane feelings on the fulfilment of customer satisfaction index pertaining to HRD activities in the work culture of BSP. For this, a structured questionnaire was designed in which all the HRD activities and satisfaction Indexes were incorporated so that the respondent may easily understand the questions, and he would be able to reply the questions. The questions were very simple and reachable to all the respondents and to assess the level of their satisfaction four scale rating was adopted. The number of questions was limited but each and every question has the potential of information.


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