Google Go: A fast, easy, fun, fast, lite way to search

Google releases its Google Go App for android. It is streamlined version of Google Apps for android. In its beta version it was called as Google search lite. It aims to make discovering, sharing and exploring of search easy and fast. It is lite on android system resources. It easily creates lite apps for most of powerful web app such as facebook, Twitter, Instagram and so on.

After saving the trace of these to android desktop, you do not need any instances of real Facebook apps as these can perform faster and works nicely. You do not need to install separate versions of all of these social networking apps as you can create instant and lite version of app quickly from Google Go app.

The concept of these Go apps is that these comes with less than five MB of installation and it takes lesser place in internal memories and this could be a boon for most of low memory devices and most of these functions can work faster. Apart from this Google Go App has data saver option and once that was enabled, all the web pages and applications run with Google web lite edition to save more data.

Now, most of app which you normally have to download from internet to use it and then most of these cover most of these places of internal memory but now all of these apps can be downloaded and saved with Google Go app and then one link with that app icon stays with desktop.

It runs with lite version and everything are almost the same and you do not need to worry about it and that makes running and installing of many apps android becomes easier. It works faster with slow connectivity and even with smart phone with lesser space. Most of these apps installed with android instant app and that makes these apps lighter than even lite version of its official version.

The interface is fast and it shows search, voice search, images, GIFs, youtube, weather, translate, maps and in apps segment it has gallery of apps such as, yours favourite, which is there calculating yours sum of average use of apps in Google related apps, and then apart from it the app segment is segmented with social, entertainment, sports, news, shopping,, reference, banking, government, travel, education, jobs, apps and games segment with huge number of apps.

The segment apps and games is one of the most beautiful ones and here you can play some games and save it to desktop by adding it to ‘Add to Home screen’. Then, connect internet and then click on the desktop screen icon to launch the lite version of this app. There are many beautiful games which you can play such as ‘Tic Tac Toe’, ‘Snake’, ‘Cricket’ and many more.

All of these apps use ‘Google Web Lite’ version to optimise web page and render web pages from Google’s server. It makes loading of web pages and application faster and this can make you add such of your favourite apps on android desktop and there will be no fear again for this that you do not have to install and update these original apps time and again.

Pages are transcoded for users of mobile and comes from Google and this makes loading times of web pages faster. Google Go App consumers 40 percentages of lesser data than that of its original apps of apps such as Google, Facebook and so on. It is best optimised for devices which has less than one MB of RAM.

This is a boon for devices which has lesser internal memory and lesser RAM. Apps takes up faster loading time and device starting time also reduces to optimised it further. Apart from Google Go app aims to provide repository of all apps in its lite version so as to provide user the same android experience with lite apps and being created from Google Go apps.

This Go apps comes after YouTube Go, Files Go apps which has become popular due to the presence of lightest form of apps and most of these apps provide users even if they have high value smart phone still they tend to use it due to faster loading times and lesser consumption of data.Google Go is vastly different. The native Google App takes about 135 MB of internal hard disk space whereas the Google Go search app takes only 11 MB of internal memory space.

The homepage of Google Go app provides tappable short cuts and so much of shortcut of web lite versions of app is there that you hardly feel the presence of search writing and with due course of time you will find by tapping on apps and within its interface, the app opens with Google web lite and the reason for opening of apps not necessary in its original format.

Google Go app does not show any news feed, instead it provides the list of apps in shortcut format and you just have to tap it and then it opens its native browser and then you get the result of what you are aiming at. What it makes Google Go separate from all of these apps is that the user does not have to download separate apps every time as most of these apps there inside of it and users only have to tap on it to reach to it.

You can now use, Facebook,Instagram, twitter without installing these apps and of course with slightly lesser feature than that of original apps, but by tapping Whatapp icon we move to the original Whatsapp installation instead of its lighter version.

Inside settings of Google Go app you will find data usages where you can save data by use light on web pages, and then you can filter explicit search results by enabling safesearch filters. You can customise this app by enabling app background with picking up wall paper to make it more customised version. In a way, it is an operating system within an operating system and slowly, Google for the first time taking seriously to build lite web apps so that android should be accessible to all types of high end as well as low end devices.

Overall Google Go app is a refresher and it is fast and it tend to users to download and keep it unlike the default Google search app version. It not only provides more and more convenient option for more high weightages apps such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and so on it also open then with Google lite which saves data as well as can run swiftly with slow connections.

Google has overhauled the programming language of Go by storm in developer community having providing smarter and easier programming development. In earlier Google has released its YouTube Go and Files Go app which provides youtube in smaller file sizes as well as sharing of videos from one device to the other as well as Files Go provides very helpful version of users to see which files are not necessary as well as it provides users with option to delete application cache and Whatsapp messages delete as well as unwanted videos to make your device faster and smarter.

This article was first written in this link of


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