Windows Live Movie Maker 2011 reviewed

Windows Live Movie Maker (WLMM) the new incarnation of Windows Movie Maker , is now available to Windows 7 . It is a video editing software. WLMM 2011 can be downloaded through Windows Live Essentials 2011. It is available for Windows vista and Windows 7. Windows XP users can not use this software. WLMM is a basic video editing software. Windows Live Photo Gallery installation is necessary with the installation of WLMM.


Create project by using videos and photos through Windows Live Photo Gallery. Customise yours collections with various mobile transitive effects say zoom and pan, visual styles, captions etc. Integrate and customise yours collections from yours music collections and other various compatible tracks.

Various smart wizard and auto movie themes which can make the process of creating the project complete automation. Instant preview of yours project , sharing yours project or movie to websites like You Tube, Facebook, Windows Live Sky Drive or through various other sites through downloadable plug-ins . After finishing then project burn it into any DVD with the DVD authoring softwares or built in softwares into the Windows.


User interface of WLMM is Fluent User Interface introduced by Microsoft from Office 2007. Through this interface user’s confusion is reduced and more help ful options appears smoothly. Average user’s working time reduced due to the culmination of all the functionality in the ribbon user interface.

How to create a movie project with WLMM:

Click on the “Add videos and photos” from Add group and then select the file of yours choice , if you want to select multiple photos or videos then press and hold [Ctlrl] and select multiple photos and videos. You can trim the video with WLMM. If you want certain particular part of the video for yours project then you can trim that video. Original files remains unaltered with the trimming.

Go to the ‘Edit

Tab on the ribbon from ‘Editing group.and then select ‘Trim Tool’. Point exact start and the end point of the segment you want to save then ‘Save Trim’ to save yours trim. Short cut to trimming is ‘I’ key which is initialization the starting point and the ‘O’ makes the end point of trimming which signifies the over.

Adding visual effects to the project:

From WLMM workspace go to ‘Visual Effects’ tab. There are lots of choices for still and video effects integration , just hover yours mouse and you can preview the effects before implementing these to yours project. ‘Multiple effects ‘option can be a handy tool if you want to integrate a set of available effects all at once. There are options of undo and redo available in case some wrong steps you have invaded.

Adding animations to yours project with WLMM:

Animation effects provide mobile transitions effects between clips so that the space between clips can be well documented and decorated and the time of transitions between clips can be managed and democratized . For the go to ‘Animation’ tab from the ribbon interfaces. Both Videos and photos can be animated with some additional effects can be employed with photos.

Adding music to yours project with WLMM:

Go to WLMM ribbon and then ‘Add’ section on the Home tab and select ‘ Add Music’ from it. The duration and bit of music time will be adjusted automatically with yours project length. Just in case yours movie is longer than the songs you have just selected then ‘Add music at the current point’ option from ‘Add music ‘ option which suo motto appends the new track after the previous one.

In addition to it audio fade in and fade out option can be corroborated into yours project.. To do this go to ‘Option’ tab of the WLMM ribbon then go to ‘Music Tools’ ,select the audio clip and then select the fading speeds between Slow, Medium and Fast.

Make a video with just a few clips with WLMM:

Go to WLMM ribbon then go to ‘Home’ tab then go to ‘auto movie themes’ from it. Here you can create a ready-to-go movie.


WLMM is a basic professional tool to create and demonstrate yours video footage into a professional quality presentation. You can make it interactive by recording yours sound with it, you can make auto movie without bending yours back and professional quality products can be done with it. In the business presentations yours interactive video present with audio and visual treat can have a specific impacts on the audiences. The age of YouTube and broad band can be a boon as you can make a simple and wonderful movie and upload to yours YouTube channel for the visitors enchanting and demonstration. The only down side is cannot be used with Windows XP. The buzz is you do not need a team to do this, as you can all by yourself complete it in no mean time. DVD burning in Movie Maker is dependent on Windows DVD Maker, which is only available in Windows 7 Home Premium, Windows 7 Professional, Windows 7 Enterprise, Windows 7 Ultimate, Windows Vista Home Premium, and Windows Vista Ultimate editions.

Downloaded through Windows Live Essentials 2011. ( It is available for Windows vista and Windows 7. Windows XP users can not use this software.


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