Why Do Women Cheat Or Cheating Is Only Associated With Men Let Us Try To Analyse

Last Updated on December 10, 2022 by freewarespace

Why do women cheat or cheating is only associated with the word men let us try to analyze it in the current situations and with proper environmental findings. When we talk about out of bound marital affair some one calls it as illicit affair then we point the finger towards the men as always and it is significantly important as most of the times as expected but is it right or the correct way of understanding the situations or is it going through some of the theoretical metamorphosis. Let us try to see through it.

Unfaithful”, “Rumor has it

Some times women stray and can it be a considered as the generalized proposition. In Hollywood movies we had seen the “Unfaithful”, “Rumor has it” and here the ladies are the wrong side of the coin and the situations.  Although if we consider the sheer amount and the maximum propositions we still have not yet beaten the men in these situations but the number are now in count and in the higher side and with due course of time who knows we may have been rewiring the had been perceived so far as not in the domain of the ladies.

Almost one tenth of women have cheated their partners in the western world, these statistics might have not been large it the sheer count in number must have some ergonomics to grab the potentiality of attentions. Some study also envisages that in the western world the women have had sex with nine lovers as compared with seven by their male counterparts before their marriage and this statistics might have given rise to some sort of indicators that it may have been alarming possibilities which is still to get it to our mind set and the possible of the theory which we are talking about could have been on the rise in sky may be still not as visible as we have been perceiving.

Now we will talk about the east where the conservative ideas within women were prevalent and it is always the thought all around the world that here the thought of women cheating is far from it even from the farthest ideas of inner thinking. Out of one hundred ladies seven ladies go for extra martial affairs and twenty five ladies would go to the extent of extra marital affair if they thought their sexual life is not fruitful and they are not getting adequate pleasure from their love life.

women are more forward oriented, and they had more and more financial security

With the advent of time and money and open society and individualistic society where the elders role are now fast becoming limited and now women are more forward oriented and they had more and more financial security and that is why they are going for some sort of cheating with their partners as due to different work schedules and other related work parameters for their illicit relationships began to grow and cultivate in such situations with different work attitudes and parameters. In earlier times women are more loyal to their male counter part as they would want the financial security which the male partner vowed to provide but with due course of time they are no longer in dependence on their male counterparts. This is the reason out of one hundred young couples the twenty marriages are falling apart in their marriage relationships.

The real cause may have been fewer  time with the spouse , long working hours , emotional disturbances as insecurity is a potent factor with the heavily detached lives of spouses and all in one syndrome can stress the mind with the advancement of mid life stress syndrome  to go for the unwilling to get the instant yet momentarily comfortable relationships. But is it worth to go for it?


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